Kings Park Campus News

Year 10 Advance
Our Year 10 Advance students were able to put their projects into action during term 4 after much planning. All profits were in support of State Schools Relief, an organisation that supports students and their families access school uniforms for free and at discounted rates. The students along with their teacher believed that this organisation was one that they wanted to support as it gave directly back to an organisation that has helped not only our school community, but their peers and families state-wide.
The projects that students ran included a sausage sizzle, a taco stand, Iced coffees, chocolate and Macha and a desserts parlour with chocolate dipped strawberries. All proved to be a big hit with the students on campus, especially the tacos which were a first-time feature on campus.
Well done to all students on their efforts in planning, budgeting, and running of the day. The use of organisation, communication and teamwork skills were clearly evident. A special thanks to staff that also assisted - Ms Mary Scott, Mr. Dench and Mr. Petherick.
Nick Taseski
Key Learning Area Leader – Health and Physical Education