Kings Park Campus Principal Message

Campus Principals Report- Kings Park
October 2023
It has been a great, yet busy, start to Term 4 at the Kings Park Campus as we work towards the end of the school year and plan for 2024. Our Year 9 and 10 students are about to complete their studies for the academic year and commence preparations for their examinations, which will take place at the Delahey Campus. Our Year 7 and 8 students are looking forward to our End-of-Year activities to celebrate what has been a productive and rewarding year for them.
Like the Sydenham Campus we held our celebrations of the Premiers Reading Challenge for 2023 in our Campus Library. While the students enjoyed the pizza and soft drink on offer, they were most excited by the choice of four books they each had that were provided as part of the Challenge.
Our Year 7 students participated in ‘Solar Buddies’ last month (11th October). Our students worked diligently to ensure ‘their’ solar lights worked knowing that they would be used to support students living in energy poverty. Many students were ‘shocked and surprised’ when informed many children and families in the world live without power and light energy, something we take for granted living in Australia.
On the 5th October we celebrated World Teachers Day across the College. Staff enjoyed the donuts and cupcakes on offer. Thank you to Belinda Palladino for ordering the deserts.
We have continued to provide students with new laptops, sourced through ABCN. ABCN continues to support our students at Copperfield College with resources and opportunities to aspire and reach their potential. A select number of Year 9 and 10 students attended the ABCN Future Thinkers Day which aims build creative and innovative problem-solving skills through the process of design thinking. Students worked with mentors to create solutions to a problem using the design thinking methodology, and at the end of the session the students presented their results.
Last week we conducted interviews with current Grade 6 students who had submitted a scholarship application for 2024, Year 7. The interviews were impressive as students discussed their ‘areas of talent’ and what motivates them to do well at school.
Our Year 10 students interested in the VCE VM Program at Delahey commenced their transition via the 2024 VM Showcase. Year 10 students watched VM students present their Personal Development Strand Projects. They were also able to ask questions of their VM peers and in doing so gain a better understanding of the VM Program.
We continue to work diligently towards our Campus Goals:
Attendance and Belonging: Students at school, in class on time, and remaining in class (AIP)
(Attendance 2022 78%; 2023 to date, 85%; 53% at or above 90%; 75% above 80%)
Use of Routines: Use of fluid seating arrangements based on student data and need
Pride in the Environment: Respect for the environment students learn, play and socialise in, and in which we work (e.g. classrooms, corridors, toilets and the yard)
Student Acknowledgement: Notice when students do the ‘right thing’ or strive for their personal best, and let them know (KP: Positives, 4990; Needs Improvement; 2361) (70% of Compass Posts are positive)
Mr Lance Petherick and Dr Michael Gruis Campus Principals