Delahey Campus Principal Message

Delahey Campus Principal’s Report
Hello to all members of the Delahey
I hope life has been kind to you since we last communicated. As you would know, the senior campus works with organisational mechanisms which are different to both the Kings Park and Sydenham campus. These differences are linked to academic periods that are mandated across the state to support exams, tertiary entry, and opportunities for pathways for work, apprenticeships, and further studies.
Our Year 12 Vocational Major (VM) students officially completed all requirements at the end of last term, but we factor in a period of time for some students to undertake VM Redemption as a safeguard to ensure as many students are given the opportunity to meet all outcomes, including gaps or otherwise in their VET modules.
Last Monday, our Year 12 students participated in the Year 12 Celebration Day experience in the gymnasium. We have a long-standing tradition here at Copperfield College that the words, “muck up” are not part of our culture and I have to say, our Year 12s certainly hold up their end of the bargain.
Students came in a variety of costumes to acknowledge their last day together on campus and just enjoy each other’s company while reflecting on their time here; both with each other and their teachers. The theme this year was the “70s” and many of our staff dressed up for the occasion as everyone watched a slideshow of priceless memories, had photo opportunities, and even danced away to such classics as the Nutbush, Macarena and Gangnam Style.
A big, big thankyou to our Student Management Team, but in particular, Ms. Northorpe and Mr Subotic. Another big thanks to all our wonderful and dedicated teachers who gave up their time to make the experience as memorable as it could be.
Our Year 11 VM Showcase is another long-standing end-of-year event here at the Delahey campus.
On Friday October 13, the Year 11 VM students presented to an audience comprising mainly Year 10 students, but also representatives from CHASE (including their mentors) on all the amazing projects they worked on during the year.
All projects centred around a health theme or issue and highlighted to the incoming Year 10 students what can be achieved when community partners mentor them to make a tangible contribution to the community they live in. A special thanks to Ms Breen and all the VM-PDS staff who oversaw the projects.
Our Year 12 VCE examination period begins on Tuesday October 24 with the VCE English exam. As a teaching staff, we wish all our students (and their families) the very best
throughout this stressful time. As they say, “get the process right and the results look after
themselves”. Due to exam scheduling requirements set by VCAA, the Music exams and the Japanese Oral examinations have already been completed.
Year 11 VCE and VM classes continue, with many in the final stages of work completion and/or exam preparation (VCE). Year 11 exams begin on Monday November 13.
Year 11 VM students will undertake a week of Year 12 VM Transition activities as the incoming Year 12 VM cohort for 2024 beginning Monday October 30.
On Monday October 16, staff here at the Delahey campus spent some time after school sharing their experiences and strategies with regard to ‘Engaging Students Through
Feedback’. The session was facilitated by two of our Learning Specialists and is also one of our campus-based goals.
As I said at the start, it’s a slightly truncated term here at Delahey and much of the action is around getting work completed and preparing for exams. Again, we’d like to wish our outgoing Year 12 students all the very best with their chosen pursuit as they prepare to leave secondary schooling after 6 years, AND we wish our Year 11 students all the best as far as preparing themselves in the best way possible for their final year of secondary schooling in 2024.
Until we communicate again, stay healthy and happy.
Mr Renato Carinci and Mr Dan Sullivan
Campus Principals