College Notices

Attendance at School
International student accommodation urgently needed
You can earn up to $350 weekly by providing full board accommodation to a Copperfield College’s international student in one of your spare bedroom at home.
Please contact school ISC in Delahey for details and T&C.
Mr Ha To at Copperfield College, Delahey Campus on 9307 5507 or 0475 824 040.
College Payments
Compass Passwords
Social Media
Our canteens have been outsourced this year to a company called Jude Fina Foods. So if your child is using a debit card to pay for food, this name will appear on the bank statements.
Please feel free to give us any feedback on the services being offered.
College booklist
The Campion booklist is now open for online orders at , use the school code 4GXC if prompted.
Booklist orders close Friday 15/12/23. If reselling or wishing to buy second hand books or uniforms, parents can create an account with Sustainable Schools Shop at More information is on the school website and in the later pages of this Newsletter. If you may have financial difficulties with the cost of the school booklist, please contact the Business Manager of the school to discuss options.