
With Bu Ferguson

Senior Indonesian Excursion to the Ballarat Wildlife Park!





On Thursday our three senior classes accompanied by Bu Ferguson, Ms Whelan, Kim and Kylie visited the Ballarat Wildlife Park. This excursion gave students a deeper understanding of a variety of Indonesian wildlife, including the Sumatran tiger, Komodo dragon, reticulated python and the Burmese brown tortoise. They were able to appreciate the importance of conservation of these animals as well as marvel at them in the flesh!



A Taste of Indonesia!



Indonesian fashion show!


This term, our Junior students are enjoying learning about traditional clothing that is worn in Indonesia as well as some Indonesian vocabulary for items of clothing, like…

Pants = Celana Skirt = Rok,  Socks = Kaus Kaki


Students are also getting the opportunity to try on a traditional Indonesian outfit! They looked wonderful in the vibrant colours and patterns!



Paddy, Charlotte, Frankie and Freya from F/1 F.





Bobby, Harleen, Lottie and Edith from F/1 H




Xander, Georgie, Lizzie and Clara from 1/2B




Zoe, Sanjeet, Gemma and Elina from 1/2 L