Religious Education - End of Year Events

Religious Education News
Advent Family Activity
This year for our Family Advent Activity we would like to gather toiletries/personal hygiene items which will be distributed by our local St Vincent de Paul Society. If you are able to buy a small item each time you undertake your family shopping, that would be appreciated. You might like to purchase with the idea that your family box will be for a man or a woman, a teenage girl or boy, or a younger child. The date of this activity is Friday 8th December, and when we all come together we ask that each family brings a shoe box and their purchased items. We will cover the shoe boxes and lids with Christmas wrapping paper. If anyone is able to purchase a few extra items, these can be left in the box in the front foyer. I would like to give a big thank you to those who have been able to donate items already. Your efforts are much appreciated.
Socktober for Mission Month - Catholic Mission
Focus on Timor-Leste (Social Justice)
We had a wonderful day weather-wise for our Socktober Crazy Sock Day and Soccer Shootout. We also had a Whole School Socktober Liturgy and learned about the children we would be helping in Timor Leste. A big congratulations to F/1F, who had the longest coin line, followed closely by 3/4 O in second place. Thank You to everyone who was able to contribute. In our Religion lessons we often speak about Catholic Social Teaching Principles, and we definitely came together in Solidarity for the Common Good in this instance. I will be able to report how much we raised for Caritas to help others in next week’s newsletter. Our wonderful SRC students helped collect money and marshall their class on the day. Well done!
End-of-Year Thanksgiving Mass and Year 6 Graduation Ceremony
Our End-of-Year Thanksgiving Mass will take place on Tuesday 12th December @ 6:00pm in St Patrick’s Cathedral. All families and friends are invited to take part in this celebration of the school year. Following this all are invited to move into the St Patrick’s Cathedral large Hall to partake in the Graduation Ceremony of our current Year 6 Cohort. We also bid farewell to any families who will be leaving our school, whether their youngest child is transitioning to secondary school next year, or the family is moving.
Lastly, all are invited to share a cuppa in the Glowrey/MacKillop rooms. Traditionally, the parents of our Year 5 families coordinate to provide a plate and serve supper afterwards.
From the St Patrick’s Cathedral Parish Office
Senior Reconciliation Program
Notice for families of year 5 and 6 children who have previously completed the initiation Sacraments: Confirmation, Reconciliation and Eucharist.
The St Patrick’s Cathedral Parish is offering a short course program to support students who have not made a private confession.
6pm Thursday November 9th in the Mackillop/Glowrey room - Parent and Child are asked to attend this single Meeting
Completion of program will involve:
Family based exercises through the Broken Bay ‘Reconciliation’ booklet
Private Confessions to take place 5pm Thursday November 23rd in the Cathedral.
Kind Regards
St Patrick’s Cathedral
3 Lyons Street South
BALLARAT Vic. 3350
Telephone: 03 – 53 312 933
Office hours: Tuesday to Friday 10.00am – 3.00pm