From the Principal

Change of Dates:
- Please note that the new date for the School Sports Day is Monday 13th November due to track works at Llanberris.
- Unfortunately a booking error has been identified relating to our End of Year / Graduation Mass. Please note the amended date is Tuesday 12th December at 6pm.
Today’s feast day of ‘All Saints’ isn’t about those who are publicly named as saints - each of those has their own feast day. Instead, on the Feast of ‘All Saints’ we think of many ordinary good people who walked with God in their daily lives, and who are now dead. Today is their feast day - the unmentioned saints - who now live in God’s presence.
In the early Church, “saint” was a name for a person whom today we would call a “committed Christian”. In the Bible - after the four gospels - we can find the word “saint” over 60 times. Each reference concerns living people who seek to follow Jesus. For example, Paul writes to some Christians:
“If any of the saints are in need, you must share with them.” Rom 12
“To all of you in Rome whom God loves greatly, all of you called to be saints: may God our Father… send you peace.” Rom 1
This feast day of ‘All Saints’ also reminds us of our own potential, of what (hopefully) we are in the process of becoming. A Christian living 150 years after Jesus, wrote: “The glory of God is a person living fully.”
Adapted from 'Praying Each Day of the Year' by Nicholas Hutchinson.
Dear families,
We're certainly experiencing some changeable weather at the moment! Although it might be a bit challenging to remember to wear sun hats during this time of year, their necessity will become apparent as the days grow warmer once again which is looking likely for the week ahead. Although we have some condensed areas in the schoolyard, the students are still finding plenty of space to play cricket, soccer, footies are still about, and there is often a game of chasey in progress somewhere around the school. Do you recall playing similar games during your primary years?
At times, we tend to forget that school is a common experience for all of us, and the shared experiences our children have are quite similar to what we went through at their age. While technology has led us in new directions, and the curriculum now emphasises divergent thinking more than ever, when it comes to the schoolyard, building relationships and working together to solve problems, not much has really changed. Our interactions with others still offer valuable insights into ourselves, and we can explore many new experiences through imaginative play.
Conversations with the children in the classrooms and on the yard often revolve around the importance of respecting each other. Understanding that every individual deserves respect is a reflection of Christ in action. The age-old saying, "We don't always have to be friends, but we do have to be friendly," serves as a reminder that we can promote a sense of harmony in our classrooms and on the yard. As we learn and play together, we continue to gain valuable insights into life!
Out of School Hours Care
Thank you for completing the expression of interest to support the preliminary discussions with OSHC providers early in term 3. The feedback has been a great assistance in the appointment process. I can now confirm that St Patrick's will be partnering with Extend Before & After School Care from the beginning of the 2024 school year with the endorsement of DOBCEL. There will be further information to be shared shortly. In the interim, I have confirmation that a member from the Extend team will be joining the parent information session for the first 2024 Foundation Transition session on Tuesday 14th November.
Drummo Community Conversation
In three week's time there will be an opportunity to engage in a community conversation to be a part of shaping the future pathways for our wonderful school.
Drummo Community Conversation RSVP:
To support in the setup and planning for the community conversation can you please complete a quick form to indicate which session you would like to attend. Please follow this link to the form.
Glowrey/Mackillop Room at St Patrick's Cathedral (where the disco was held)
Wednesday 22nd November
Session 1: 9:00-10:30am
Session 2: 5:00-6:30pm
School Closure Days
A reminder that our school will be closed on Tuesday 7th of November for Melbourne Cup Day public holiday. We will also be closed on Friday 17th November for staff development.
A brief building project update
This morning the hoarding has temporarily been removed between the administration area and the current areas of works. Immediately, we can see a significant transformation in the openness through the learning common. The old narrow ramp, a real bottleneck for moving from admin to class spaces, has been significantly widened. There is also a clear line of sight all the way from reception to the end of the learning common. We're almost there with this stage. There is a likelihood that we may be moving the middles into this area late next week...fingers crossed!
Thank you again for your ongoing support and patience with the works across the site. It is greatly appreciated. The improvements of the physical learning environment will be well worth the inconvenience.
Wishing you all the best for a great week ahead!
Kind regards,
Ben Shields