Community News

Niangala Hall Cake Stall & Wood Raffle

Gabi Gabun Playgroup

Niangala Hall Cake Stall and Wood Raffle

The annual Niangala Hall cake stall and wood raffle will be held in Walcha on Friday 1 September.


If you are able to assist with cutting the load of wood on Thursday 31 August please contact Nat Brazel - 0437 761 202 or email


All donations of cooking and other salable items will be greatly appreciated.  Please remember that all baked goods should have ingredients listed.


Raffle tickets are available for purchase by texting/emailing Gail - 0429 692 335 / and transferring funds to 

Niangala Memorial Hall

BSB 062 602

Acc 00921818

or purchasing on the day if you are in Walcha - $1 a ticket


All proceeds go to the maintenance, upkeep and improvements to your local community hall.


With thanks

Gail & the Hall Committee

Gubi Gabun Mobile Playgroup

Gubi Gabun playgroup is held fortnightly on a Tuesday from 10am at the Niangala Community Hall. 

All families with young children are invited to come along.


Term 3 remaining dates are Tuesday 5/9 & Tuesday 19/9.