Relieving Principal Report

Mrs Hannah Crawford

What is External Validation? 

This term in Week 8 on Thursday 7th September Niangala Public School will undergo External Validation. It is quite a difficult and complex process to explain in simple terms, but I will give it a go so that you have a rough idea of what all the kafuffle is about! 

The external validation process occurs every 4 years. It is where we must provide evidence as to how we are able to justify where we have assessed ourselves to be against 8 elements of the School Excellence Framework (SEF).  

The elements are Learning Culture which include the themes; High expectations, Transitions and continuity of learning and Attendance. 

Wellbeing which includes the themes; Caring for Students, A planned approach to wellbeing, Individual learning needs, Behaviour.  

Curriculum which includes the themes; Curriculum provision, Teaching and learning programs, Differentiation.  

Assessment which includes the themes; Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment, Student Engagement, Whole school monitoring of student learning.  

Effective Classroom Practice which includes the themes; Lesson Planning, Explicit Teaching, Feedback, Classroom management. 

Data Skills and Use which includes the themes; Data Literacy, Data analysis, Data use is teaching, Data use in planning. 

Learning and Development which includes the themes; Collaborative practice and feedback, Coaching and mentoring, Professional learning, Expertise and innovation.  

Educational Leadership which includes the themes; Instructional Leadership, High expectations culture and Community engagement. 

For each of these themes we self-assess ourselves as to whether we believe we are delivering, sustaining and growing or excelling.  Depending on our self-assessment we then need to provide artefacts as evidence as to why we believe ourselves to be where we have judged ourselves to be performing. 

Each artefact needs to be annotated and then the whole element needs to be analysed and uploaded onto a software program 2 weeks before the actual External Validation panel meeting. (Which was today!) 

At the External Validation panel meeting, the panel determines whether the evidence presented supports the school’s assessment. The panel considers the executive summary, the body of evidence and the discussions from the meeting. A report is prepared by the panel directly after the panel meeting to indicate whether the evidence provided by us supports the judgements made. 

The report, the process and the submission can be used for professional conversations and to adjust future practices and inform the development of the school’s new four-year Strategic Improvement Plan. 

Obviously, it is a big process, and we have self-assessed ourselves at excelling at a large majority of the themes, so we have even more work to do to provide evidence and justify our on balance self-assessment! We have been working on this process for many months, however this term will require many hours of burning the oil well into the nights I would say to ensure we produce a submission we are proud of and which truly reflects our pursuit of excellence and the provision of high-quality educational opportunities for each and every student.  I would like to acknowledge all the hard work and time put in by all the staff and also Michael Windred, Principal, School Leadership who has been very supportive and offered a lot of practical support and patience as we have trudged our way through this quagmire!!  

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact me and I will be happy to discuss further. 


Changes to cleaning procedures in Term 3: Thank you Eileen. 

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Eileen and the time she has taken to carry out the Covid Clean for us at Niangala Public School for the past 3 years. The Covid clean was an initiative of the Department of Education to ensure that all surfaces were cleaned during the day to try and help prevent the spread of Covid.  

It meant that for Eileen over the past 3 years she been coming up to the school during the morning to wipe down all the surfaces which are frequently touched areas (tables, doorknobs, light switches) and then returning at the end of the school day for her usual cleaning hours. 

From Term 3, the department has ceased with the Covid Clean and we will be reverting to receiving the regular, comprehensive day cleaning program to keep our school clean and a safe space to learn and work. I would like to thank Eileen for keeping the spray bottle close at hand and the surfaces germ free.  I am sure you will appreciate the reduced disruption to your days. Thanks Eileen.