Our Staff 

Pictured: Our incredible SOW team

Sniffing out wellbeing and joy wherever she plods.

Natasha Fujimoto - Communications & Production Officer

With a background in primary school teaching, journalism and creative writing, I am very pleased to be combining my experience as (one of the two) new Communications and Publications Officers at St Anne's College.

I have two boys, a Japanese husband and a love of food, travel, books and yarns, but mostly I enjoy time without  schedule, excellent company, rollicking good humour and unspoiled nature.

Kym Henderson - Communications & Production Officer

Hi, I'm Kym. I'm a mum to four amazing girls. I have a passion for design and creativity. I've spent 30 years within the design and print industry. 

I am very excited to join the dynamic team here at St Anne's College in the role of Communications and Publications Officer and have been so warmly welcomed by many wonderful students and staff.

In my spare time, of which is rare, I enjoy travelling and camping with my family, and catching up with friends, rocking out at live concerts and laughing along at comedy shows.

Join the dynamic team at St Anne's College

Head to our website to find out about the many exciting employment opportunities at

St Anne's College: https://www.sackialla.catholic.edu.au/employment/positions-available

St Anne’s College staff 2023


Principal - Susan Carroll

Deputy Principal: Community Wellbeing - Kate McGrath

Deputy Principal: Learning and Teaching - Cherie Boltong



Elizabeth Holligan eholligan@sackialla.catholic.edu.au



General inquiries office@sackialla.catholic.edu.au

Finance inquiries finance@sackialla.catholic.edu.au