Junior School, South Plympton

Articles on this page:

  • An inside scoop on Friendology
  • Book Week 2023
  • Book Week Canteen Competition Winners
  • The Adelaide Zoo - Year 5/6 Excursion
  • Father’s Day Breakfast 2023
  • Fussy Eaters: Parent Information Session for ELC - Year 2

An inside scoop on Friendology

As you may have read at the beginning of the term, Junior School started working through URSTRONG Friendology Program. As we are halfway through our lessons, I wanted to share with you some of the activities the children have done and how it has changed all of us (teachers included) to teach and support friendship in our school.


The children are beginning to learn a common language of friendship, such as 'taming our butterflies', being a 'super introducer', asking 'quick questions' and being a 'magnet', to name a few.


In the first session, we learned about having self-compassion and looking inward. We talked about our inner voice and how sometimes it can bring us down, but by loving and respecting ourselves first we can then, in-turn love others. It also showed how we can let go of things we cannot control and this reminds me of a Bible verse: "Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken". Psalm 55:22 (NIV)


The below photo is of the “sole” bags the Year 3/4 children made that represent who they are as a person and the things they like. They will add to them during the term and then present to the class.


In the second session, we looked at how to make new friends by introducing ourselves, having a quick question to keep the conversation going or passing on a question to find out what the person is interested in. Lots of classes role-played these friendship-making skills in class. Some were asked to bring in a soft toy to practice with, while others tried them out on their classmates. The last thing we learnt was what we would like a friend to be. It was good to see the children's responses such as being trustworthy, kind, giving others time, and being real and honest. As a class we talked about if we want our friends to be like that, should we be like that too?


The below photos is of Maya and Jessica practicing how to make new friends by using an introduction and a quick question.

Next, we looked at the 'Four Friendship Facts': 

  1. No friendship is perfect
  2. Every friendship is different
  3. Trust and respect are the two most important qualities of friendship and 
  4. Friendships change and that’s OK! 

The children loved this lesson as they learned more about what friendships should look like. 


I love this verse from Proverb 17:17; "A friend loves at all times". We are really enjoying teaching our children how to love their friends, but also equipping them with tools that can help them in their friendships and relationships with others.


Please continue to pray for our staff and children as we work through this program. Pray that God would continue to guide our Staff and that he would help shape the hearts of our children to love one another and he has loved us.

Book Week 2023

Book Week in Week 5 was a fantastic highlight for all the students! 


Thursday, especially, was the best day as all staff and students had the opportunity to dress up as characters from a book with the theme “Inspire.” Although the theme wasn’t front-of-mind when students chose their costumes, it was fun to see the amazing effort put into everyone’s costumes. 


Junior School Book Week Canteen Competition 

We had a little fun with book week; students had to guess the story?book that matched the garden in a book. All correct entries went into a class draw.


Congratulation to the following winners:

1/2 Cooper


Libby M 

Pernella M

2 Dragun


Benji T

Joanne L

3/4 Smith


Harvey R

Olive J

3/4 Strybos 


Bernice C

Ivy D

3/4 Van der Merwe


Benji E

Maya E

5/6 Butler


Eden S

Mia F

5/6 Cope


Eva D S

Hazel E

5/6 Wick


Amelia P

Jiane M

God bless 


Sharon Hughes 

Canteen Manager

The Adelaide Zoo - Year 5/6 Excursion

On Friday Week 5, the Year 5/6 students, joined by parent volunteers, spent a wonderful day at The Adelaide Zoo. The sunny weather was perfect for wandering around in small groups to look at the animals. The students also had the opportunity to experience and touch various animal skins - what fun!


Father’s Day Breakfast 2023

On Friday 1 September, we hosted our annual Father’s Day Breakfast for all our College fathers. The courtyard area was a buzz of excitement with Dads and their children enjoying the breakfast and the accompanying music from the School Bands. Pancakes were served with a variety of toppings. These were complemented with tea, coffee and biscuits. 

Junior School fathers were invited to join their children’s classes for the first lesson of the day and it was so nice for the students to share their school world with their dads. 


Fussy Eaters: Parent Information Session for ELC - Year 2 

Parents of Early Learners to Year 2 children are invited to attend: Fussy Eaters - A Free Parent Information Session.


Date: Tuesday 12 September

Time: 3.30pm - 5pm

Location: Brooklyn Park Campus Library


Is your child hesitant to try new foods?

Have you found yourself structuring your plans around what your child will/won't eat?

Do you find yourself dreading the next meal? 


Then this session is for you! 


Presented by Lively Eaters Feeding Therapy, this is a wonderful opportunity to learn strategies to overcome fussy eating in a safe and supportive environment with other families all facing this common challenge.


If you have any questions, please contact Kim Sabine at ksabine@emmauscc.sa.edu.au.


We look forward to seeing you there!