Junior School, Brooklyn Park

Fussy Eaters: Parent Information Session for ELC - Year 2 

Parents of Early Learners to Year 2 children are invited to attend: Fussy Eaters - A Free Parent Information Session.

Date: Tuesday 12 September

Time: 3.30pm-5pm

Location: Brooklyn Park Campus Library


Is your child hesitant to try new foods?

Have you found yourself structuring your plans around what your child will/won't eat?

Do you find yourself dreading the next meal? 


Then this session is for you! 


Presented by Lively Eaters Feeding Therapy, this is a wonderful opportunity to learn strategies to overcome fussy eating in a safe and supportive environment with other families all facing this common challenge.


If you have any questions, please contact Kim Sabine at ksabine@emmauscc.sa.edu.au.


We look forward to seeing you there!

At Emmaus we're a community of kindness and respect 

We like to show kindness and respect in many ways.  When it comes to our environment, we can show this by how we manage our waste and litter.  


We have all been working together to keep our school beautiful.


Each week a different class is responsible for checking that the yard is tidy after lunch.  Carrying out a quick litter check as well as ensuring any lost lunch boxes are returned to their owners helps our yard to stay clean and tidy!


In our classes, and in the yard, we sort our waste into the correct bin.  This is both important learning for our students (and staff!)  as we all tackle waste and environmental challenges, as well as ensuring we don't end up with mouldy bread and other food in the yellow recycle bins!  (not pleasant to work with). 


A group of Year 5/6s have become our "Wipe out Waste Ninjas", assisting classes at the end of each day with their recycling and soft plastics.


We have partnered with our local council to continue to separate our soft plastics, which can be turned into useful items such as benches and playground equipment, or a new jacket for Mr. Heath!!


We're so excited by the progress we have all made and proud of the positive culture that we're building together.  


Richard Heath

Deputy Head of School - Pastoral Care