Wellbeing Team

Seasons for Growth - A Student Wellbeing Program

Seasons for Growth is a loss and grief program designed to provide support and education to young people dealing with various forms of change, loss and grief. It aims to empower them to understand and navigate the impact of these changes in their lives.  


Program Description 

Seasons for Growth is an educational program, not a counselling or therapy session. It’s designed to be an early intervention peer support education program. The central idea is that change, loss and grief are natural and essential aspects of life and understanding them can be empowering.


Who can join?

The program is open to children and adolescents in both Junior School and Middle/Senior School who have experienced significant changes or losses in their lives. It’s not limited to just dealing with death;  it encompasses various forms of loss, such as serious injuries, loss of self esteem and parental stresses like unemployment. The program is tailored to suit specific age groups.


How does it work?

The program is based on small peer groups with one adult companion to facilitate. It provides a safe space for young people aged between 6-18 to learn and practice new ways of understanding and responding to change and loss. The program emphasises the development of children and young people’s identity. It is structured into four seasons- Autumn, Winter, Summer and Spring to illustrate that no season lasts forever, each is unique and important for personal growth, seasons are unpredictable and each has its own story. It consists of an 8-week timeframe, doing one session a week for the duration of 40 minutes. 


How to be involved?

Season for Growth is run by dedicated Wellbeing team member, all whom have had formal training to conduct the program effectively. Their role is to encourage young people to participate in this supportive environment. The program is adapted to different age brackets, with upcoming sessions being announced with notice. 


The program is voluntary for students. To join, students must have a desire to participate and also have their parents' permission. 


The facilitator will communicate program details to staff, parents and students when it is suited to their age group. 


In summary Seasons for Growth offers a structed and age-appropriate approach to help young people better understand and cope with change, loss and grief in their lives through peer support and education.


“There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens”, Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV)


Further support

Life is full of ups and downs, and our Wellbeing Team is here to support your children through any of those challenges. Please seek out a member of our Wellbeing Team to help guide you with more information regarding the Seasons for Growth program.




Tash King

Student Wellbeing Counsellor F-12

Wellbeing Counsellor Movements


I just wanted to give you a little update, in case you didn’t already know that I will be going on Maternity Leave at the end of this term. My husband and I are expecting baby number 2 and are excitedly anticipating he or she’s (gender to be a surprise) arrival! 


Whilst I am not sure my two-year-old quite understands that the baby in mummy’s tummy will need to share my attention, I know she will be a great big sister!


I plan to return in Term 2 2024 and I look forward to returning to my role and our students after some time with baby. In the meantime, our students will be in the capable, lovely hands of Melissa Rogers who will take on my caseload while I am away, and Tash King who will be caretaking the Team Leader portion of my role. These two lovely women have a wealth of knowledge and experience and our students will be in good hands.




Erin James

Counselling Team Leader

Meet Melissa Rogers

I'm so exciting to be joining the Emmaus Team! 


With many years' experience as a School Counsellor, I hope to be a blessing to this school community and use the skills God has allowed me to be trained in. I have completed a degree in Counselling at Tabor College and am currently working towards my Masters in Counselling Practice. 


I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, going on nature walks and playing with my dog. I'm looking forward to journeying with the people here at Emmaus and being part of sharing the love of Jesus. 


I work Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. 




Melissa Rogers

Student Counsellor (Years 7-12)