Religious Education 

 Mrs Cheryl Ross | REC Coordinator 

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the students who are receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion over the next few weekends.


During their final preparation session last night the students learnt more about The Last Supper as well as the preparation needed when preparing to receive the Body of Christ. They were introduced to some of the terminology that goes with that preparation.



Are YOU able to answer the following …..You might like to work these out with your child(ren).    Match the correct definition with the correct word….( you’ll find the answers at the end of this newsletter piece) 

Mixed upMatch the word with the correct definition




The table where the Eucharist is celebrated

AmboThe special sacred box where Jesus is present through the consecrated hosts
Altar               The light that indicates that Jesus is present in the Tabernacle
Tabernacle The special cup that contains the wine that is changed into Jesus’ blood
Genuflect The clothes that the priest wears to celebrate the Mass
Vestments Sign of respect to Jesus who is present in the Tabernacle
Sanctuary Light              

The place from where the Word of God is read


First Holy Communion Masses will be held over the following


2nd September:  4pm Mass and 5.30pm Mass

3rd September:   9.30am Mass

9th September:   4pm Mass and 5.30pm Mass

10th September:  9.30am Mass

Please keep these candidates in your prayers as they begin their preparation

for this Sacrament. 


Father’s Day celebration 

A reminder that our Fathers’ Day Liturgy will take place on the top playground next Friday- 1st September. This will follow the Fathers’ Day breakfast that begins at 7.45am. Hoping to see lots of dads/ father figures at the celebration! 




Answers to the above questions… How did you go ??? 

Mixed upMatch the word with the correct definition



The special cup that contains the wine that is changed into Jesus’ blood
AmboThe place from where the Word of God is read
Altar               The table where the Eucharist is celebrated
Tabernacle           The special sacred box where Jesus is present through the consecrated hosts
Genuflect Sign of respect to Jesus who is present in the Tabernacle
Vestments The clothes that the priest wears to celebrate the Mass
Sanctuary Light  The light that indicates that Jesus is present in the Tabernacle


Have a fabulous fortnight everyone!



Mrs Cheryl Ross | Religious Education Coordinator