News from our 

Assistant Principal

Louise Gordon

Book Week

This week our school celebrated Children's Book Week centred around the theme 'Read, Grow, Inspire'. An exciting week of activities enabled students to celebrate this annual event which included: literacy units related to short listed books, colourful displays, competitions,author visits and the annual book week character parade. Teachers and students had a wonderful time acknowledging the importance of reading and the talented authors that inspire our imaginations. Please visit our school Facebook and Instagram sites to view the wonderful celebrations and events involving our students.  


Father's Day Stall

Our Father’s Day Stall will be held on Wednesday 30th August in Keller Hall. If your child/children would like to purchase a gift from the Father’s Day Stall please ensure you send money with your child on the day of the stall.

Each student will have the opportunity to purchase a maximum of 2 gifts.  If there are any items left once the whole school has gone through the stall your child may be able to purchase extra items.

(If your child forgets we can issue an IOU on the day that can be returned ASAP).  There will be a variety of gifts to purchase. All gifts will have a gift bag.

Gifts are priced at $5 or $10

Father's Day Breakfast and Liturgy

All fathers, grandfathers and carers are invited with their child/children to our Father’s Day Breakfast at 7.45am and Liturgy at 9.00am on Friday 1st September. 

Parking Guidelines

Parents, please be reminded that the school visitors car park is not to be used for morning drop off or afternoon pick up. We have many students who use the pedestrian crossing at the entrance of this car park. Please, also do not use the Pre-School allocated parking surrounding business car parks or the Medical Centre, as we have received many complaints recently about parents using their parking facilities. 

Staff Development Days 

Term 3, Week 10 - Friday 22nd September and

Term 4  Week 1 -  Monday 9th October 


Please note that our Staff Development Day in Term 3 will be held on the last day of term - Friday, 22 September.  And in term 4 it will be on the first day back Monday, 9th October. These will both be a pupil free day for students.  On these days staff will be engaged in designing programs to implement the new English and Mathematics Syllabus. Supervision will be available if required.

Implementation of the NSW Curriculum Reform 2023-2027

The NSW Curriculum Reform aims to strengthen and streamline what is taught in schools. The curriculum reform is an opportunity to engage and reenergise what we teach and how we teach it. It focuses on making clear what is essential in the curriculum to give more time for deep learning, establish stronger foundations in English and Mathematics, and provide stronger links between other subject areas.


This year our school has implemented the Kindergarten to Year 2 new English and Mathematics Syllabus. In 2024 Years 3-6 will implement and teach these new Syllabus subjects. Teachers this year are participating in professional learning sessions to unpack these new documents and design authentic teaching and learning programs to cater for all students aligned with the new directions, outcomes and resources.


Please view the Curriculum Reform timetable for information related to the implementation of other subject curriculums over the next 4 years.







Mrs Louise Gordon | Assistant Principal