News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents and Carers,


This week we celebrated Book Week with such enthusiasm! 📚 We dived into a world of imagination and discovery celebrating the magic of literature 📖 The week has been full of engaging events that sparked creativity and ignited a love for reading. There's something for everyone within the pages of a book and in the power of words, and whether you're young or young at heart, Book Week is a celebration of the stories that shape us and the authors who bring them to life. 


Thank you to the staff and teachers at Our Lady of Fatima for bringing the world of books alive in a special way this week. Our K-2 Book Week Incursion Performance, Book Swap, Book Parade, Book Fair and Open Classroom morning have been an enormous success. Next week we are offering a Boys and Books breakfast and an Author talk with Tristan Backs - a well-known and popular children’s author. We really know how to spark curiosity by bringing learning alive at Our Lady of Fatima!


Strategic Renewal Process

Following our recent SCS Inquiry and Review process last term we have received a report that acknowledges our strengths and highlights some areas for future development. We will be able to use these recommendations to guide us over the next 4 years as we set goals and formulate our Annual Improvement Plans. Below is a summary of some of the key points:

  • Develop an understanding of the new RE syllabus to ensure the provision of a quality faith-based religious education for all students.
  • Develop and embed a school-wide vision for learning with the learner at the centre.
  • Establish a collaborative culture of school wide differentiated teaching and learning to maximise learning opportunities for all students.
  • Strengthen and create partnerships with community organisations, pre-schools, primary and secondary schools within the Sutherland Shire Network and wider community for the purpose of improving student outcomes.

Over time we will share with you and highlight the various programs and initiatives we introduce and implement to address these recommendations. 







Mrs Sue Clay | Principal