Hub Happenings

Year 7 Uni Steps Excursion to the University of Newcastle  

In late term 2, a group of energetic year 7 students went and participated in the ‘Uni Steps’ program at the University of Newcastle. The day involved moving around the campus and seeing all the exciting things that the university has to offer. The first stop was in ‘Engineering’ where our Uni helper, informed us of all the exciting areas that engineering cover. What was also really cool, was the crime and forensic school where we were able to get a hands-on experience. What was definitely a highlight, in the chemistry lab where we played with a substance- that would not get wet and the design studio- which gave us all a hands-on experience to construct a bridge with paddle pop sticks and elastic bands! Overall, it was a great day- and I cannot wait till the next one.  


Stage 4 Enrichment Challenge Event 

Year 7 and 8 Blue hub participated in an exciting enrichment challenge day in both Stem and Quest. The 2 year groups came together to engage in an opportunity for enrichment classes to demonstrate their high potential through their creativity, critical thinking, collaborative and communication skills. In Stem, the students had to solve the mystery of who stole the treasure chest? They worked in the labs and use forensic skills to narrow down the potential list of suspects. Then in their groups, they worked through a variety of challenges and quizzes to further determine the culprits. The Stem challenge winners revealed a chest full of canteen vouchers!  

The Quest event exposed a world where Artificial Intelligence took over Kurri Kurri. The students participated in a ‘Survivor’ themed event, where the students were grouped into ‘tribes’- including they had to evict the weaker members. The groups showcased their code breaker knowledge and geography skills to find hidden locations around the school. This revealed a master key, that could only unlock 1 door!  

The students [and teachers] had so much fun planning and participating in these events. We look forward holding more in future terms.  


QUEST Project Launch 

In Week 7, students participated in the launch of Project 3 and were introduced to the battle for the coveted Hub Cup. With an array of activities centred around Ancient Greece, we saw students trying some Ancient Greek food, putting on chitons to pose in the photo booth, and competing in an Olympic relay. For each activity, students earned points that accumulated toward the final Hub Cup Day in Term 4, where the greatest hub of all wins the trophy. To ramp up the challenges, we finished with a high-spirited game of dodgeball. 

STEM Project Launch 

In week 6, year 7 students went on a trip to Luna Park in Sydney for the launch of STEM’s spectacular Project 3. Students had an amazing day, with great weather and got to experience, first hand, some of the forces they are going to be learning about very soon. Only some were brave enough to take on the Sledgehammer or the Big Dipper, but everyone had a great time 

Student Voice: Year 7 HUBS 

White HUB 


A year 7 hub is a class with lots of students with 1-2 teachers. A hub has 30 - 60 students in each class. What I have enjoyed the most this year inside and outside the class is going to Luna park outside of class and doing math inside of class. The thing I'm looking forward to in KKHS is doing more math in all the years that I'm going to be in. My favorite teacher in the whole school is Mr Berry. 


Year 7 hubs are classes with 30 to 60 pupils and 1 to 2 teachers. My favorite hub teacher is Mr Berry because he is my only hub teacher. I have enjoyed doing math inside of class and going to Luna Park outside of class. I am looking forward to make some new friends throughout the rest of my schooling career. 


Silver HUB 


Hubs is a large class of around 50 people. You work on projects like stem and quest. In my most recent project we went to Luna Park and we got to go on all the rides. This year I have been enjoying our science classes and our sport lessons. I am looking forward to seeing my siblings join Kurri High in the future. 


Year 7 Hubs are 4 different classes with 30-60 students, the 4 hubs are White, Silver, Gold and Blue. My Hub teacher , Mr Vassella,  has made going to school something that is enjoyable instead of boring. The thing I have liked the most is the sport sessions, the sport teachers provide a variety of fun activities such as Sport In Action. I look forward to things such as woodwork in my future years at Kurri Kurri high. 


Gold HUB 


The year 7 hubs are made out of 30 to 60 kids with 2 teachers and same time a also. In year 7 you get to do awesome things like camp and lunar park. In the future at KKHS I hope we can do more excursions. 


HUBs are big classes of 30 to 60 kids with 2 teachers, one teaches you STEM and the other one teaches you QUEST. But both teachers have their own role so the class is kind of 2 classes into one, most of the time, at least. The quest projects, especially, ancient china and greece. But outside, everyones nice and leaves you alone, most of the time. I can't wait to see the improvement of human technology as we advance into next year and the year after, and it just goes on. But the main thing is, at least hoping we do more exciting work, but I mean, a driver's license might just be the best thing in the future we will end up having. Maybe more excursions, but who knows, who knows what will come next. 


Blue HUB 


Year 7 hubs are basically classes with 30-60 people and we have a different project launched every term.The things I have enjoyed the most this year inside and outside of school are sports and action lessons and going to Luna Park. I am looking forward to becoming an overachiever and leader for sport. 


Year 7 hubs are classes consisting of 30-60 students with 1 or 2 teachers depending on the amount of students in the class.I have enjoyed going to Luna park with my friends and hanging out with my friends at break and during class. What I am most looking forward to in the years to come is hanging out with my friends more.