
Careers events continue to be on the go in 2023. The careers office still has an open-door policy for the students and their parents to get the advice as they need to look into their future career pathways. Thus far in 2023 it has resembled a revolving door which is awesome. 


Post school studies

Already this year, we have had visits to the school by the University Roadshow outlining the opportunities available at Newcastle, UNE, CSU and SCU as well as recently the Australian Defence Force giving an insight into a career in either the Army Navy or Air Force. Other activities include HIA Construction Presentation, Pre-Traineeship Skills Course in Human Services, Grow Your Career in Wine, TAFE TASTER course in Term 3 and 4, HPOTS Civil Construction Course, IMPACT Leadership Academy coming in term 4, Campus Experience Days in Term 4, St Nicholas Immersion Program for Early Childhood and their SBATS and a SALT Workshop helping young women develop skills in construction.


Careers Classes

During Careers classes, students have been undertaking activities through Canvas lessons ranging from resume writing, cover letters and soon we will be looking at Interview techniques. We also created a USI, activated their Students Online account with NESA and completed their School To Work Transition Survey which is a plan to help the Careers team work with the students on their future aspirations. 


When Subject selections came up in Term 3 and with the students STW plan enabled, the Careers Adviser had essential information in mapping the correct pathway whether it being staying at school for the HSC or undertaking further training gaining a qualification from the range of levels on the AQF framework. Students are reminded that when final subject selections are to be made that they are more than welcome to discuss their options with the Careers Adviser about correct pathways. 


External Vocational Educational Training

Please remember the EVET (External Vocational Educational Training) courses for 2024 are closing very soon.  As part of your child’s HSC, they can undertake a VET course at TAFE and get both an Australian Qualification and their HSC. These courses can include Animal Care, Beauty, Electrotechnology, Drone flying to name a few. The list is very long with courses. Each Student in Yr10 and 11 were given detail instructions on how to apply. 

SBATs, School Based Traineeships are also available, and we have discussed these in Careers lessons, be sure to reach out if you want more information. Already, as a year group there have been at least 6 students securing SBATS before the end of term 3 for the start of 2024. It is expected that there will be more. Watch this space. 


Please feel free to contact Mr McKinley our Careers Adviser if you would like to discuss your child’s future, whether it be for:

  • Work Experience 
  • School Based Traineeships
  • Subject selections
  • Early Entry/UAC applications, and 
  • TAFE. 


As mentioned before please make contact and I will get back to you ASAP.