Hey Mum!


As Sunday 3 September 2023 is Father’s Day, the P&C will be conducting a Father’s Day stall for all students (K-12) from the Canteen on Thursday 31 August and Friday 1 September 2023 from 11:40am - 12:40pm. Presents are priced between $5 and $10. 


All Infants and Primary classes will visit the stall on Thursday, with Friday being a back-up day.  Please send some spending money along with your child/ren.

High School students are welcome to make a purchase in their second break on either day.  Eftpos facilities will be available for High School students only.


Thank you for supporting this event.


Mrs Bec Driscoll | Boorowa Central School P&C President



Snack Central is always looking for volunteers. Please reach out if you are available to help out from 9:30 to 11:30 am. Call Di on 0447 064 009. The canteen relies on volunteers to stay open. A few hours once or twice a term will make a difference and be greatly appreciated by students and staff alike. 



Use //www.facebook.com/Boorowa-Central-School-Snack-Central-108808891546276 to follow Snack Central on Facebook.