Principal's Address

Draft Mobile phone and electronic device procedure

A draft ‘Mobile Phone and Electronic Device’ procedures document has been prepared to present to the students and P&C for feedback. This procedure was written in line with the NSW government’s announcement to ban all mobile phones in school for students. The government take anti-social behaviour and cyber bullying very seriously and this is their answer to reducing these in public schools across NSW.

Schools had the choice to adopt 1 of 4 options to achieve this and the selected option for Boorowa Central School is ‘Off and Away from Gate to Gate’. This means that students switch off their phones and electronic devices as the enter the school gates when they arrive to school in the morning. Phones and devices remain switched off all day until students exit through the school gates at 3.20pm. Some exemptions will be applied for specific circumstances, and the process for these exemptions will be clearly communicated to parents and students before the end of the term.

I had planned to present these procedures earlier in the term, however, there has been a delay in the release of the updated Behaviour Policy from the NSW Department of Education. This has not yet been released, 5 weeks later than its intended release date. The Behaviour Policy determines the consequences that Boorowa Central School, and all schools, will implement if students choose to breech the school’s Mobile Phone and Electronic Device procedures. 

I am confident that our secondary students will follow the procedures and adopt healthy choices with their phones when the procedures are implemented.

If you wish to see the draft Boorowa Central School ‘Mobile Phone an Electronic Device’ procedures presentation, I encourage you to attend the P&C meeting on Tuesday 5 September 2023 in the school library. The meeting starts at 7pm.


Donation to our Fruito program

The Lions Club of Boorowa have donated to Boorowa Central School to assist in the funding of the Fruito program in Infants and Primary. Each morning, students enjoy a fresh piece of fruit whilst engaged in their learning or during a brain break. This program introduces the concept of healthy eating and nutrition to fuel healthy minds and bodies for learning.

To ensure all students can appreciate this time, the school provides additional fruit for all students to access and enjoy.

Thank you to the Lions Club of Boorowa and to our other donors to the wellbeing programs at Boorowa Central School. Students learn best when their tummies are full.


Year 12 drawing to a close

The Year 12 cohort of 2023 are approaching the end of their schooling journey. These students completed their HSC Trial examinations last week and only have the HSC examinations remaining to determine their final Higher School Certificate results, and for some, their Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). 

As a part of their end of schooling activities, Year 12 hosted a trivia night on Wednesday in the school hall. It was great to see so many community members brave the cold to enjoy a night of trivia. Congratulations to Year 12 and Ms Johnson for organising and running the event, Ms Bromfield and Mrs Riles for assisting on the night and to the winners of the night – the ironically named team ‘Bad Career Choices’, a team full of school teachers.


Secondary Subject Selection for 2024

On Monday night, I had the pleasure of discussing subject selection pathways and choices with students entering Year 8 and 10 in 2024, and their parents. This evening is always an exciting milestone for students as it is either the first time, for Year 8 students, to have a say on the subjects they study or in the case of Year 10 students, having a say regarding their entire pattern or pathway of study.

Boorowa Central School offers many subjects and looks to create opportunities for each student to have a pattern or pathway of study that best suits their career options after school. These pathways can include a traditional pattern of school-based study, a ‘School-Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship’ (SBAT) or a blend of options that includes single subject offered by Digital TAFE or Distance Education. For a small rural school, the opportunities our students have are exceptional.


Central Schools Touch and Rugby League Finals next week

Good luck to the secondary students who are travelling to Dubbo next week to compete in the Under 16’s and Opens Touch Football and Rugby league finals in the Central School’s knockout. It is three days of hard-fought competition in which traditionally our students perform very well. I am sure that our teams will play with the heart and sportsmanship that Boorowa Central School is known for.

Mr Graham Jones - Principal