Library News

Book Week 2023, Read, Grow, Inspire
CBCA Book week begins on Monday 21 August, providing a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the joy of reading and storytelling. This year’s theme is Read, Grow, Inspire.
On Friday 18 August we have Rebecca Lim, author of Tiger Daughter (who won the CBCA Older Readers Book of the Year 2022) visiting the library to speak about authorship and the writing process. Rebecca is also an author and editor of the anthology Meet me at the Intersection, studied in year nine English enhancement.
The Shadow Judges from 2022 will be conducting a Q & A session with Rebecca after her presentation and she has offered to do a book signing, so if students have any of her books at home, please bring them in to be signed. This event is kindly funded by the Parents and Friends' Association.
There is a Student Book Swap on Tuesday and students are asked to bring their pre-loved books into the library this week.
On both Wednesday and Thursday the Library Trivia Quiz takes place. There are prizes for the winning tables with the winning table having their name engraved on the Library Trivia Quiz perpetual trophy.
On Friday, there is a Student Book Buy with new books on display from booksellers. Students are encouraged to participate in this event to shape the school library collection by selecting a new book to be purchased by the library. This event is kindly funded by the Parents and Friends' Association.
Post it Wall Mural
In keeping with the book week theme of inspiration, this year’s Post it Wall Mural is Vincent van Gogh’s imaginative and breathtakingly beautiful painting The Starry Night. The library is looking for student volunteers to dismantle last year’s wall and apply the new post-it notes from a pixilated image. It should take about two lunchtimes to complete. Students can drop by the library or email staff on to get involved.
Sun Project Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Shadow Judging 2023
Our Shadow Judges 2023 have voted for their favourite shortlisted title. There was a unanimous vote for the book Completely Normal by Biffy James. Although, not the favourite of every judge, it was deemed the most deserving of the win. Other titles that really stood out to judges were the graphic novel, The Greatest Thing and the verse novel Ask No Questions. A big thank you to the students who read the books and participated in Shadow Judging this year: Aniela, Caitlin, Charlotte, Demah, Ella and Lois . We eagerly await the announcement of the winner during Book Week, which is only a week away.
NAIDOC Colouring Competition
A big congratulations to our winning entries this year: Bec, Amity and Lucy.
The artwork on this year’s NAIDOC week poster is very detailed and took many lunchtimes to colour and complete. Well done to all students who entered as a lot of effort went into each entry.
Book Club
Term 2 Book Club titles are now available to borrow at the library desk – Five Survive by Holly Jackson and Solitaire by Alice Oseman. Our next meeting will be towards the end of term on Thursday 7 September.
Students are welcome to drop by the library or email to add their name to the Book Club mailing list.
The Library Team