Catholic Identity and Mission 

Ms Nicole Dudman - Director

Walkathon Presentation Assembly

Due to some calendar clashes with Year 12 SACS and trial exams, the Presentation Assembly will now take place next term on Tuesday 3rd October 12.00 pm. 


More details will come out confirming the finer details closer to the date.


Walkathon Fundraisers

Thank you to staff, students, parents and the community who have supported the College Walkathon. We are in the final weeks of fundraising activities and donations.


If you have not had a chance to yet or feel you can contribute some more would be great!

See the QR Code.


Any Students who have been collecting cash please bring it to student reception by the end of the Term.



Class Masses

Thursday 7th Sept, no Mass as we have PT interviews.


Next Mass is: 

Wednesday 13th September 11.15 am

Year 8A & 8B  Cate Kavanagh & Michael McManamon.


You are most welcome to come to Mass.  Please sign in at student reception when you arrive.


Year 11 Retreat

From Wednesday 16th – to Friday 18th the Year 11 students went to Don Bosco Retreat Centre and took part in a 3-day retreat run but ‘The Passionists Youth Retreat Team’.  The theme was: 

“Walking the Same Road.”

“You were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together, both outwardly and inwardly” Ephesians 4:4 


The goal and aim of this Year 11 Retreat was to lead students to an increased awareness of themselves and their true nature, and to a greater intimacy with their peers and their God.  Over the three days it was so heart-warming to hear the students’ Year 11’s personal stories of their life journeys but also watch them rebuild and reconnect with friends who they had grown apart or separated from over the years. There was a combination of whole groups, led by the facilitators, and small group activities led by our staff. Every staff member who attended the retreat would say the students who arrived on Wednesday left different people on Friday.  I cannot thank Tom and Claire the facilitators enough for their engaging presentation and the care they took of our staff and students.  It will be a retreat that is talked about for a while. My sincere thanks also to Richard and Bron for their organisation before the retreat as well as Zac, Sarah, Cate, and Hamish.  Many thanks to all the parents who supported the school and encouraged their child to attend.



The Voice to Parliament

In the last week of August Cate Kavanagh and I attend the DOSCEL Religious Education Conference.


On Day 1 we heard from Peta Murray, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Officer about the Voice to Parliament.  My takeaway was just like we educate our student on bullying and other issues important issues we also need to educate our student on the upcoming referendum.  Some student, staff and families may be unsure of what this referendum is about.  I found this picture which explains it clearly. 


There will me more information to come regarding this over the coming week.  Our Year 12 students who are voting need to have an informed vote.

We also heard from Janine Luttick who spoke about her work on The Gospel Of Mark.

The days were both very informative and will help us with our work in RE on teaching The Gospels.


The information below One Journey Together gives information on the Catholic Perspective on The Voice to Parliament Referendum.

At the heart of the upcoming Voice to Parliament Referendum is the recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, the world’s oldest continuing culture, in the Australian Constitution. 


As Catholics, we have a responsibility to listen to the voices of First Australians and to work towards a more just and equitable society. 


Our mission is to educate and inform our fellow Catholics on this pivotal moment in Australia’s history. 


We have collated and created statements and resources – grounded in the principles of Catholic Social Teaching – to help you on your process of discernment.


The Voice to Parliament Referendum provides all Catholics with a unique opportunity to come together as a community and draw upon our faith and moral grounding to make an informed decision. 


One Journey, Together. 


The link below is to a beautiful prayer called The Voice Prayer from the NATSICC. (National Aboriginal and Torress Strait Islander Catholic Council)