Mr Richardson and his sister Zoe, principal, at Yarralin School in the Northern Territory, have been fine tuning the visit from their school to ours on Friday September 1st.   As mentioned in last week’s newsletter, we are looking forward to hosting our visitors from Yarralin who will be travelling from Melbourne to Colac on the morning of the 1st and hope to arrive in time to make a little presentation at the end of our Assembly on this day.  After this the children will take a tour of the school with our yr 6 leaders, visiting the classrooms until recess.

Between recess and lunchtime, the children will join our years 5 and 6 classes in a round robin of sport activities, while the younger grades will participate in art and sport activities with a buddy grade.


For lunch, we aim to share a lunch tasting of beef and kangaroo stew.  The children might still like to bring along their own sandwich on the day, however we usually find there is a great uptake in the tasting.  There will be no lunch orders on this day.


In the afternoon, we will be holding a Diversity Dash event, sometimes known as a ‘Colour run’, which focuses on color to celebrate diversity and inclusion.  The students at Sacred Heart will be encouraged to participate in an obstacle course around the school oval.  Students can walk, run, skip, dance or roll their way through a colour filled course. 

The obstacle course will be laid out with 6 colour powder stations. At each of the colour powder stations, runners are doused in vibrant non-toxic colour powder as they run past. It would be great if the students at Sacred Heart could be dressed in an older white t-shirt (or light coloured t-shirt) to get the full effect.  It would probably be best if the older white or light t-shirt was worn under their rugby top or windcheater for the day and then the outer layer could be removed for the run.


The Holi Powder that will be used on the day, is a brightly coloured non-toxic powder. The powder is a natural product made out of Maize Starch and vegetable colours. The product is not flour based and is perfectly safe for Celiacs.