A Message from the Principal
Mrs Carolyn Parsell
A Message from the Principal
Mrs Carolyn Parsell
Dear Parents and Carers,
We can sometimes feel that life is going too fast and that the difficulties we face are all too much. It is at times like these that we need to take a deep breath and remember that we are loved by God and that whatever we are facing, He is there to support us. As we pray the "Our Father" we say, "Your will be done." We can be so busy working on what we want, that we forget to think about what God wants. When we remember to pray and ask for God to guide us we leave room for the Holy Spirit to guide us in God's way.
Thank-you to all for a wonderful last two weeks.
It was such a blessing to see so many Dads, Grandfathers and Uncles at our Fathers' day Breakfast and Prayer service last week. Our Kindergarten students led the prayer beautifully and when they sang "Hey Dad" they really pulled on all our heartstrings. I hope all those who attended enjoyed the experience. Many thanks to the P&F for organising the delicious breakfast. Our Fathers' Day Stall and raffle raised much needed funds for extending our reading resources.
Last week we gave thanks for our dedicated Teachers' Aides. They are a wonderful group of talented individuals who give support to our students and really go above and beyond to ensure all are given the right tools to learn. Please say a big thank-you to them whenever you see them.
Don't forget to wear your PJs tomorrow. Ensure your footwear is practical and your jammies are appropriate and modest. Make sure you also bring your Amadeus instruments. We are rehearsing for an end of term performance. Please put Friday 22nd 2:10pm in your calendar for an amazing performance by each of the ensemble groups.
Peace and Best Wishes
Carolyn Parsell