Learning & Teaching

It's been a very productive Term 3 and staff and students are ready for a relaxing September holiday period in preparation for a busy 11-week term 4. It's worth noting that many of our teachers and leaders sacrificing time in their holidays, to supervise in the Knox Series of Exam Prep Sessions (next week) and Practice Exams (week 2). We know hope important these sessions are in supporting our year 12 students to prepare, and be successful in their up-coming VCAA exams.
If you would like some guidance as a parent of a student about to embark on Year 12 exams, click on the following articles: https://this.deakin.edu.au/study/how-parents-can-support-vce-students-during-exams and https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/how-parents-can-help-their-children-through-vce-exams-20181025-p50bvm.html
Parent Engagement
The best student outcomes are achieved when parents/caregivers and schools form partnerships to support students in their learning. Whilst this can be more challenging to achieve in secondary schools we are committed to exploring opportunities to engage meaningfully with our parent community and build stronger and productive relationships.
A recently released report by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) showed that 'decades of research has shown that when parents engage in their child’s learning, both at home and at school, student achievement and wellbeing are increased'.
The report also found that 'Consistent and genuine communication with parents, particularly small moments of connection, can help to build mutually beneficial partnerships between parents and teachers. There are many opportunities coming up next term that create these 'small moments of connection with college staff whether on formal committees or just by attending special college events.
Please find attached a list of opportunities for parents/carers to be involved in Term 4.
Curriculum Day
Wed 9 October is our final curriculum day for 2024, the focus of which for teachers and inclusion staff, is Explicit Instruction. This is a very systematic method of teaching that involves three stages, often referred to as the gradual release of responsibility model of teaching. This flowchart shows these steps. Our teachers and inclusion staff will participate in 3 applied learning workshops focused on the evidence and key elements or each step, before practice / perfecting these steps with a colleague.
Natalie Manser
Assistant Principal