Reader's Notes

This edition, I interviewed Ms Knox, one of our new English teachers!
What book are you currently reading, or read last?
Iron Flame, which is the 2nd book in a series.
What was your favourite book as a kid?
My favourite books as a teenager were anything written by Tamora Pierce. As a small child I loved Shirley Barber and her books about fairies.
What is your all time favourite book genre
High Fantasy! Not a fan of reading about the real world, give me fairies, magic and dragons. In the wise words of C.S Lewis "Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality".
What book is next on your TBR list?
A re-read of all Sarah J Mass' books.
If you had to read books from only one author for the rest of your life, who would you pick
Oh that's almost an impossible question..... ummm..... Authors come and go with their writing and a good author will evolve and change, meaning you may not like all of their material. I'd probably stick to Tamora Pierce if I really have to choose.
What makes or breaks a book for you?
Inconsistent world building or character development. Oh and plot holes. At the same time I adore these aspects when they are done really really well.
Katherine Styles
Year 11 & English Captain
Book Club