Grade 2

Level 2 has had a great start to term 4! With the dance unit and having a visit from healthy Harold, it has been a busy but exciting start to term 4! Students also were invited to watch a Year 6 puppet show that 6J and 6S put on. Year 2 absolutely loved it and were so excited to watch what the Year 6 students put on.
In Reading this term students have been learning about inferencing. Level 2 have been reading various stories where students are using their prior knowledge along with text clues to make an inference..
In Writing this term students have been writing narrative stories and focusing on each part of what makes it interesting to read. Students have been spending time on improving their introductions, body paragraphs and conclusions.
In Maths this term so far, students have been learning about near doubles, partitioning, rearranging, regrouping, and using bar models. Students have been very engaged in their learning and using a lot of hands-on activities during our maths lessons.