Level One

Level One Author Visit
Level One have had an awesome start to Term 4! Earlier this term, the students received an author visit, from published children’s author Sher Rill Ng.
Her published children's stories include My Little Inventor and Be Careful Xiao Xin. Sher Rill’s stories speak about the resilience of children and how they succeed in the world using their imagination and creativity.
Year One students were invited to ask questions to the author and what she liked about being an author and illustrator. Sher Rill answered questions from all students and explained to the students that she had been practicing her drawing since she was 8 years old! Her old sketchbooks and artwork from primary school were brought in to demonstrate the progress of her skill.
Sher Rill read one of her books aloud to the class. They then participated in a guided, illustration lesson. Students were taught how to use guiding lines to help them draw faces in this interactive activity. Sher Rill gave feedback to each student and was impressed with the diligence that students applied to their work. It was great to see such positive and enthusiastic participation from all students who completed their drawings with success!
DANCE Curriculum
DPS was lucky enough to have Dean and Jaree from DANCE Curriculum spend two weeks teaching the students the beauty of dance, rhythm and movement. The students spent 40 minutes everyday in these two weeks learning and perfecting a dance to showcase to their peers and the DPS community. The students absolutely loved this experience and thoroughly enjoyed performing to the entire school and families on Friday 18th October. The teachers were extremely proud of how confident and brave the students were.