Junior School Council

Last week, our Junior school council members and sustainability leaders had the opportunity to attend the Lead to Sustain Conference hosted by Manningham Council with lots of other schools. This inspiring event focused on environmental sustainability and community engagement. Our students were captivated by engaging workshops and presentations on topics such as caring for animals and the environment, and waste reduction. Students got to hold a range of different animals like koalas, snakes and spiders, they made animal shelters and even got to go on bushwalks to see real native plants and animals. We also got to see a performance by Junkyard beats, a group of dancers and drummers who use everyday objects as instruments! The conference not only provided valuable knowledge but also ignited a passion for environmental action. We are excited to apply what we learned to create a more sustainable future for our school and community.
Clara 3P: It was an amazing excursion. I learnt all about composting, how to take care of endarged animals and we even got to see an awesome band. I would recommend it to anyone who is thinking of running for JSC next year.
Parth 5F: It was a fantastic experience because we learnt how to grow sun flower seeds, and we saw lots of different animals, my favourite was the python! I really enjoyed matting students from other schools and making lots of new friends. This excursion has taught me lots about sustrainability that I can bring in to my role as sustainability captain at DPS.