TLI Update
Tutor Learning Initiative Update By Jayne Hill
TLI Update
Tutor Learning Initiative Update By Jayne Hill
Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI) – Update
This term it has been exciting to offer the Grade Twos and Fours Extension groups. We have a total of four extension groups. These students were chosen to extend their skills in Numeracy or Reading, with a focus on improving academic performance, preparing students for assessments such as Naplan and improving self-esteem and confidence. We believe all students can benefit from small group learning, through differentiated teaching and personalised learning goals using IEP’s (Individual Education Plans), whether it is for extension or intervention.
Numeracy Extension groups are focusing on solving worded problems with multistep equations, ensuring that they choose the correct operation to solve the question correctly. Students work collaboratively in the group, sharing strategies and supporting each other. Students have really enjoyed creating their own ‘working backwards’ word problems and sharing these for the group to solve. In Reading Extension, students are focusing on answering a range of different comprehension questions. Students have worked through a variety of texts, paying special attention to reading the text completely, reading the questions carefully and identifying any key words, and locating evidence in the text to support their answer.
We have two Reading Intervention groups that are strengthening their Comprehension and Phonics skills using the Sounds-Write Linguistic Phonics approach. Sounds-Write is an evidenced based synthetic phonics program based on the Science of Reading. The program focuses on phonemic awareness, decoding, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension, ensuring that children develop the essential skills needed for literacy. It uses a hands-on technique that is fun and engaging.
Jayne Hill (Tutor)