Year 5

Term 4 in Year 5
This Term , so far the year 5's have enjoyed a range of extra curricular activities. These include the Dance Curriculum, a puppet show by the year 6s and lunch at Westfield. This week we are looking forward to a radio incursion, walking to Westfield for lunch and swimming next Tuesday. Teachers are busy with assessing students for end of year reports. Keep focused year 5's and enjoy your rewards for your hard efforts!
The Level 5 team
Student voice:
Anna C and Mika
"We are really looking forward to the Radio Incursion. Can't wait!"!
Radmher and Araz
"Swimming should be alot of fun. Lets hope for a nice sunny day"!
Will and Ronika
Jari from Dance Curriculum was amazing. We even got his autograph"!
"What a fabulous reward for SWPB to walk to the food court at Westfield for lunch this Friday"!
Anna X
"I really enjoyed the Year 6 Puppet show. There were many relevant themes that I identified with".