Year 4

Term 4 has been an eventful and engaging term for our students, packed with interesting topics and fun programs. In Maths, students have been focussing on data and graphing, as well as fractions and decimals, helping students develop their analytical skills. In Writing, students have been working on persuasive writing, enhancing their ability to express their ideas clearly. Our Reading sessions have explored author's purpose, point of view, and character traits, encouraging critical thinking. Additionally, students have participated in DanceSport Confidence lessons and the Dance Curriculum, which prompted teamwork and self-esteem. We also held a Water Safety Day, emphasising the importance of safety in and around water. Students are enjoying the ongoing Gymnastics program, where they build their strength, flexibility, and coordination, ensuring they feel confident and ready to tackle new challenges when visiting the gymnastics studio later this term. Level Four has also had the opportunity to take part in health lessons run by Life education, providing valuable lessons on the benefits of healthy food, the function of the body systems, and factors that influence physical health. What a great start we've had to Term 4!
Dance Curriculum
All students at DPS had the opportunity to participate in the Dance Curriculum program in Weeks 1 and 2 of this term. In this dance program, run by Jari and Dean from Dance Curriculum, students learned a variety of dances and developed their growth mindset by getting out of their comfort zones, persevering, and having fun in a safe and supportive learning environment. Students thoroughly enjoyed these daily dance lessons, and it was fantastic to see progress and new achievements come to life with each dance rehearsal. It was fantastic to see the enthusiasm and teamwork students displayed. Students were delighted to perform their dances in front of the whole school community including students, staff, and families.
Water Safety Day
Level 4 had a wonderful time at the recent Water Safety Day at WaterMarc in Greensborough. Our students engaged enthusiastically in learning essential water survival skills, as well as enjoying the inflatable run in the pool. This event not only bolstered their water safety knowledge but also fostered a spirit of cooperation and determination.
DanceSport Confidence
Students have been enjoying our DanceSport sessions, run for an hour each week by our dance instructor Emily. This program combines dance and wellbeing. Students are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones and challenge themselves while learning ballroom dances in an inclusive safe and supportive environment. Students have been learning the samba and tango, and have developed their balance, coordination, and physical fitness. By learning to dance with their peers, students have built stronger and more respectful relationships and have grown in their confidence. It has been wonderful to see lots of smiles and encouragement during each session. Students are working hard to learn a variety of dances which they look forward to presenting to their families at a Gala at the end of the program.
Our Gymnastics program, run by BTYC, continues to be a highlight for Level Four students. This program provides students with the opportunity to develop their gymnastics skills in a supportive and encouraging environment. Students have shown remarkable progress in their agility, balance, and coordination. The coaches from BTYC are dedicated to fostering a love for the sport while ensuring each student enjoys the program and reaches their full potential. We are also looking forward to our upcoming excursions to the BTYC gymnastics studio.
Life Ed
Our recent incursion from Life Ed was an enriching experience for students as they delved into the fascinating world of the human body. The program provided an interactive and engaging way to learn about different body systems, including the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and nervous systems. Students were able to see first-hand how these systems function and support our daily activities. Leah, our educator from Life Ed, accompanied by Harold the Healthy Giraffe, brought a wealth of knowledge and a dynamic approach to teaching, making complex concepts both accessible and exciting.
Student Voice
"I really enjoyed learning about fractions. I didn't really know how to do them, but then I've learned how to." - Sarah 4WB
"I really enjoyed the Water Safety Day. It was really fun and we learned a lot of skills." - Ariyan 4WB
"I really liked making a presentation on Canva about Life in Britain in the 1700s." - Luca 4WB
"The Water Safety Day was really fun because we got to do lots of fun things." - Anna 4WB
"I really enjoyed the Water Safety Day because it was a lot of fun and I really like swimming." - Farah 4WB
"I really enjoyed Island Survival because it was fun and I know how to survive on a desert island." - Quincy 4WB
"My favourite part of this term was Water Safety because of all the fun activities, especially the fun water park." - Akeila 4K
"I enjoyed Gymnastics because I love the trampoline and the beam." - Kaya 4K
"Gymnastics was my favourite because it is very fun and you get to go to the real gym." - Aneesa 4K
"I've really enjoyed the abundance of excursions this term, including Dance, Gymnastics, and Life Ed." - Lucas 4G
"I have absolutely enjoyed Integrated Studies and learning about the First Contact history. I have loved imagining what life would be like in the 1700s." - Mia 4G
"I have enjoyed persuasive writing the most because I can improve my grammar and I can challenge myself to get better." - Alina 4G
"I have enjoyed Visual Arts because we got to create wonderful artworks." - Richard 4G