Nüdel Kart Fun in 5/6

You may remember that we purchased the Nüdel Karts with the money your raised during the colour run last year. Nüdel Kart is a versatile, deconstructable mobile cart designed to foster self-directed learning. Its unique design allows for endless reconfigurations, encouraging children to engage creatively with their environment. Equipped with a variety of loose parts, Nüdel Kart promotes the development of essential 21st-century skills, including collaboration, negotiation, communication, creativity, and resilience.
At the end of this term, our Grade 5/6 classes had a wonderful time applying their skills, resulting in some impressive constructions and lots of fun.
Aiden from 5/6C shared, "It's fun; you get to use your imagination, it’s great teamwork, and you get to have fun with your friends."