Auslan Report

This fortnight in Auslan, Students will learn about family signs. The signs taught will be: Family, Mum, Dad, Parents, Brother, Sister, Son, Daughter, Baby, Children, Boy, Girl, Niece, Nephew, Auntie, Uncle, Cousin, Grandmother, Grandfather and Grandparents. Learning activities will include drawing family members, labelling and signing who the family member is, for example, Mother. They will also finger spell their family member’s name.
The next lesson following family signs, will be about school signs. Students will learn to sign the following words: School, class, teacher, student, Principal, bell, line up, playtime, lunchtime, Canteen, wash hands and ‘I can see ….’. Activities across Prep- Grade 6 will include a mime game, a ‘reach the teacher’ game, a silent ‘who am I?’ activity and silent ‘Hangman’ catered more for our Grade 5/6 students.
As our students will begin to build their repertoire of words, engage in conversations at home and enjoy practising signs together as learnt by our students!
Keep updated on learning Auslan each fortnight in our community newsletter! Please click on the video links to see a demonstration of the following words being signed: ‘green’, ‘stop’, ‘sit’ and ‘stand’.
Kind Regards
Jess Pfister