Attendance Report 


Congratulations to following classes to win the Weekly Attendance award for the class with the highest attendance in the school:

  • 5/6D in Term 3 Week 4
  • 3/4C in Term 3 Week 5
  • Prep C and 5/6C Term 3 Week 6.


Our overall school attendance was 45% in Week 3 and we broke the trend of decreasing and increased to 49% in Week 4. In Week 5, we saw another slight increase to 50% and another in Week 6 to 52%. This positive increase is something to be celebrated, especially in this time of sickness. 


Parents/carers are legally required to ensure your child attends school every day or you must provide an explanation for their absence. You should let the school know in advance of any upcoming absences or let them know in the morning if your child won’t be at school. 


The communication staged response has resulted in an increase in the amount of explained absences in preference to unexplained absences. As the communication staged response involves letters being sent home to parents/carers in some circumstances, it’s essential that you provide the school with your most up-to-date contact details.


There have been a few issues with software updates on mobile phones and the Dojo app. If the software update has not been completed the notifications for Dojo have not been appearing. Can everyone please ensure that they complete the latest software updates and check your settings with the Dojo app to ensure that you do not miss communications from classroom teachers and whole school notifications.




Miss Dearing

(Attendance Officer)