Mental Health in Primary Schools Program / Wellbeing Support

St Thomas More is delighted in the fact that we have received funding to introduce the Mental Health in Primary School Program in 2025.
The MHiPS Model
The model comprises a Mental Health Wellbeing Leader (MHWL) role (an experienced educator) and an evidence-based training program.
The model has been informed by a needs analysis phase which included consultation in 331 schools across metropolitan, rural and regional Victoria and more than 1000 teacher surveys. A key strength of the model’s design is that it builds on existing school wellbeing and mental health structures while helping the education and health sectors to work together.
The MHWL Role
The role of the MHWL is to build the capability of the whole school about mental health and wellbeing (identification, promotion and prevention), provide support to staff to better identify and support students with mental health needs, establish clear pathways for referral for students requiring assessment and intervention, and monitor and evaluate student progress.
The Training Program
The training program comprises three core modules:
- Mental Health Literacy
- Building Capacity
- Supporting Need
It provides targeted content, tools, and resources to enable the successful implementation of the MHWL role. The learning from these modules is strengthened and extended through regular Communities of Practice sessions across the year.
Learn more about the MHiPS training
Grow your mind:
We have also engaged with "Grow your Mind" and evidenced based wellbeing program in which lessons will be delivered weekly starting in Term 1, 2025.
Catholic Care Victoria Councillor:
Starting in Term 1, 2025 we will have our very own school councillor on site one day per week. This is a much needed support in our school community and something I am very excited to introduce.