Message from the Principal

Achieving Excellence Together

Dear Families,


Last week our upgraded sports courts opened with great fanfare as students now have access to range of other actives for their break times. If haven't had the chance yet, make your way out to what use to be the asphalt area to see the upgrades that now take centre stage in our sports precinct. 



School Swimming - Prep to Year 2 and Year 6

Students in grades 3-6 have enjoyed their swimming lessons this week and our F-2 Students are scheduled for their sessions next week. We finalise our swimming and water safety program the following week with our Year 6 students undertaking their surf life-saving course at Port Melbourne Beach. Thank you to all of our families and staff who have supported the success of this very important program that ensures our students are safe around water as we head into the summer months. 


Prep Transition Program

We look forward to welcoming our 2025 Prep students as they get ready to join our Albanvale Primary School community from Thursday 14th November. Our Head Start Program will continue to run every other day of the week, with students scheduled for Thursday reallocated to other days. Our new Prep students will have the opportunity to practice the routines and expectations of the classroom as part of their transition program which will culminate in our final session together where students will meet their teacher and classmates in their new classroom, ready for 2025. We have finalised our Prep enrolments for 2025 with 3 classes confirmed. For all further enrolment inquiries please reach out to the school.


Families leaving Albanvale PS

Please let the office know if your child is leaving the school at the end of this year so we can begin the transition process for your child with their new school.


Pupil Free Day Monday 4th November and Public Holiday Tuesday 5th November

Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th November are pupil-free days for all students. Monday is a curriculum day allocated to staff for assessment and reporting. Tuesday is Melbourne Cup Day and a public holiday for students and staff. 



Thank you for helping us Achieve Excellence, Together. 


Michael Uzunovski
