Dates to remember 


Thursday 5thSushi Day - no lunch orders
Friday 6thYear 3 & 4 Swimming
Monday 9thExperience Greenhills #5
Tuesday 10th7pm ThinkUknow - Cyber safety information night
Wednesday 11thStudent Agency Conferences - Students attend their meeting only
Thursday 12thState School Spectacular
 Divisional Athletics
Friday 13thState School Spectacular
 Year 3 & 4 Swimming
 2.50pm Assembly
 End of term BBQ
Saturday 14th State School Spectacular
Wednesday 18thProduction A-K Cast 12pm & 7pm
Thursday 19thProduction L- Z Cast 12pm & 7pm
Friday 20th2.30pm End of term 3
Monday 7thTerm 4 Commences
Thursday 10th7.15pm PA Meeting
Friday 11th2.50pm Assembly

Your Trivia Team needs YOU!

We know you’ve already marked your calendars for our long-awaited trivia night on Saturday 23 November, and we’ll be opening ticket sales SOON.


To make this our best event ever, we’d love your support in different ways if you’re able to give it. If one of the incredible opportunities below suits you (no prior experience required), reach out to - we’d love your help to make this event TRIVIATASTIC!


Chief of Decorations: A volunteer with an eye for the fabulous is required to help bring together a vibe for the trivia night. Our winning candidate(s) would source decorations and attend during the day on Saturday 23 November to set up (and would be provided a budget to work within, so you won’t be out of pocket). 


Fundraising Maestro: An enthusiastic human (or two) with a few hours to spare to help us reach out to businesses, keep track of and collect prizes and donations, and pull together hampers. 


Donation Drummer-Upper: We’re looking for prizes, auction items and sponsorship, so if you’re in the know or have something that could go into a hamper, you too can be an official Donation Drummer-Upper and drop anything off at the office to contribute.


Trivia Enthusiasts: Over 200 fact-finders are required to make this event a success. And all you need to do is buy a ticket and show up! (Also, feel free to do some study beforehand. No spoilers, but there will potentially be a question related to sports…)


All advertised roles come with an exclusive benefit - getting to know your fellow Greenhills parents, carers, friends and teachers. What could be a better bonus than that?



Jess and Hayley

Greenhills Parents and Trivia Night Co-Captains 


Happy Birthday to the following students who have and will celebrate their birthdays this week :


Jack D, Bayden F, Kayla G, Jacob K, Ruby L, Jacob D, Lila M, Dempsey T, Leila C, Eden L, Joshua G, Oliver Y, Nicola P and Sophie M.



