Year 2/3

The Grade 2/3 class have had a brilliant start to the term! We have dived straight into what will be a busy but learning and fun-filled term 4.
On Monday the students enjoyed their first day with Mrs Berry! Tuesday followed as an action packed specialist day. The students engaged so well in our team building activities during PE and had some great fun playing new games in the sunshine!
Wednesday saw us commence our Inquiry topic for the term-“What makes our home (where we live) unique?” This will take a geography focus. We are looking forward to delving into this topic throughout the term!
Students enjoyed two highlights on Thursday-playing a new Maths game as part of our study of place value (Place Value Knockout-ask them to teach you!) as well as baking cupcakes in preparation for the school fair. We have some future chefs among us! The students worked very cooperatively in their groups which was wonderful to see.
Students have also been enjoying the commencement of our first writing topic for the term-letter writing, with many publishing and printing their own friendly letters ready to deliver/post!
We are looking forward to our stall at the school fair - cupcakes and lucky dip! There will be cupcakes to purchase plus cupcakes to decorate and the lucky dip of course! Thank you to families who have already contributed items! If you are able to contribute any donations for the class stall including items for the lucky dip and toppings for the cupcakes such as frosting and sprinkles, please place in the box outside the 2/3 classroom. Thank you!
Mrs Berry and Clare Grainger