Parents and Friends

P&F News
P&F Committee:
All are welcome to join our school P&F Committee! If you would like to be involved but are unable to attend the monthly meetings due to work or other commitments, please feel free to e mail me and I will add you to the group.
Next P&F Meeting:
Wednesday 30th October at 2pm, prior to school pick up time.
Please meet at the school office. All welcome!
Toast is available each morning for all students who would like some extra fuel before they begin the school day!
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who prepare and serve the toast each morning! If you would like to join the roster please let me know or you can pass your name onto Krystal in the office.
At St Mary’s this year we are collecting any recyclable cans, bottles and containers marked with the 10cent refund. These will be transported to Chewton Service Station. All money raised will come back to our school to benefit our students whilst strengthening our sustainability practises to contribute to a healthier world. There is a new, blue wheelie bin located down stairs for these to be dropped off.
Thank you to everyone who has donated their recycling-we have two bin loads ready to cash in!
Student Special Lunch Day:
Term 4: Fish & Chips-Wednesday 27th November
Thanks to The Blue Sea Fish Shop Castlemaine, students have the opportunity to place an order for lunch on this day. Ordering link out soon!
School Fair 2024:
Sunday 20th October. 11:30am-3:30pm It’s getting very close now! It’s set to be a wonderful day with a range of great food and activities for the family to enjoy!
This will be our major fundraiser for the year. This year, our fair will be raising funds to add to existing funds raised by our wonderful families this year to go towards the development of a new sensory garden and play area in the sandpit and junior playground area of our school yard!
Our next fair committee meeting will be held on Wednesday 16th October at 7pm at school in the staff room. There will be a Google meet link set up and released on each day of these meetings for those who would like to join from home.
We need your help to ensure this year’s fair is a successful and enjoyable event! Please nominate to work a shift at one of our stalls on the day. We have fair stall rosters at the office which you can add your name to-perhaps you can work a shift at your child’s class stall and a shift at one of our other stalls including the Curry Stall, the Devonshire Tea/Cafe Stall or The Hamper & Craft (Activity) Stall-let’s share the load to allow everyone time to enjoy the fair with their families!
School Fair-P&F Hamper Stall & Craft (Activity) Stall:
The P&F Committee are running a Hamper stall at this year’s fair. This stall involves different themed hampers including tea, coffee, pamper style, work gear, pet, stationary/art and gardening hampers all set up on display. On fair day, tickets can be purchased at this stall and those tickets can then be placed in the different raffle boxes which will be placed in front of the different hampers…choose the hamper you would like enter the draw to win! The raffles are drawn towards the end of the day!
We are seeking donations of items to be placed in these hampers, particularly items relating to tea, coffee, art/stationary, pet dog. We are also seeking donations of hampers/baskets/boxes, cellophane and ribbon! If you are able to donate any items for these hampers, please leave at the office in the box labelled “School Fair-hamper stall items.”
Alongside this stall, we will be running a craft (activity) stall where children can sit and engage in a range of different craft activities including jewellery/charm making, temporary tattoos, sand art, mindful colouring in and bag decorating. We are in need of some more supplies to help provide materials for this stall including jewellery pieces, thread, glitter tubes (loose not glue) and some fabric markers-if you are able to donate any of these that would be wonderful-these items can be dropped into the office.
Thank you for your support!
School Fair-Class Stall Donations
Your child’s class teacher will be in touch regarding items they require for their class stall-if you are able to contribute some items that would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
School Fair Donors & Sponsors
A very big THANK YOU to these local
Businesses for supporting our school fair this year, helping to ensure it will be a success! We greatly appreciate it!
Mt Alexander Timber & Hardware
Autopro Castlemaine
Mimosa Botanicals, The Mill Castlemaine
Stocks Gifts & Gallery
The Cumberland Hotel
Skin n tonik
Giant Castlemaine
GM Earth Moving
The Blue Sea Fish Shop, Castlemaine
Maine Shoes & Accessories
Castlemaine Fresh
Over The Moon Dance Studio
Jirrahlinga Dingo & Wildlife Sanctuary, Chewton
Castlemaine Fitness Centre
Bubble and Squeak
Pet Stock Castlemaine
Don KR Castlemaine
Saffs Cafe
Taylor's Home Centre Castlemaine
Maxi IGA
Maddern’s IGA
RC Studio (Rachel’s Piano Studio)
Ladies Catch Up:
Sunday 17th November from 8:30am at Togs Cafe, Castlemaine. Join us for a cuppa and/or breakfast. Come along to catch up, meet new people and connect! RSVP to Clare on 0422 070 372 by Sunday 10th November.
Men’s Catch Up:
Friday 22nd November at 7pm at The Love Shack. RSVP to Clare on 0422 070 372 by Friday 15th November.
Truck Show - Fundraiser:
Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th November-Campbell’s Creek Recreation Reserve.
St Mary’s Primary School will be helping to run the bbq and/or food van. We are seeking volunteers to work a shift on either day at this event. For each shift worked by a St Mary’s volunteer our school will receive $20. This is a simple but effective way to raise funds. If you are able to assist, please put your name down on the roster at the school office as of week 3 (following the school fair). Thank you!
St Mary’s P&F President