Message from Leadership

Dear Families,
Welcome back to Term 4!
This week, I've had the opportunity to spend time in our classrooms and observe countless moments of learning and engagement happening across all classes.
I had the pleasure of working with our Year 4/5/6 students on their recounts, where they shared some fantastic holiday adventures and family experiences. I was also impressed by the Year 2/3 students' problem-solving skills in Maths and the strategies they applied while playing place value games.
During circle time with the Year 3/4 students, they shared their holiday stories, and the Foundation/Year 1 students were eager to showcase what they had learned about sharing in Maths. It was a joy to see their enthusiasm!
As always, Term 4 is jam packed full of exciting moments and wonderful learning opportunities for our students. Apart from our normal activities, we are also holding our School Fair next weekend. I hope you're all getting excited! Our Fair is a major event which is being held on Sunday 20th October. A big thank you to our Parents and Friends Committee and teachers who have been working hard on the planning and preparation.
School Drop off
As we strive to ensure the safety and well-being of all our students, we want to remind families that school drop-off begins at 8:30AM. Arriving at this time allows us to have proper supervision in place for our students on the yard. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain a safe environment for everyone.
Please label all uniform items, lunch boxes and drink bottles. Labels need to clearly show your child’s name. This helps us to identify the owners of items that have been misplaced. Please also check lost property for items that you may be looking for.
Just a reminder that hats must be worn from now on until April 30th as part of our Sun Smart policy. If you need a new one, please pop into the school office or Hip Pocket in Castlemaine.
That’s all from me, go gently,