Grade 2 Report

This term, the Grade 2 students delved into the magical world of Polly and Buster by Sally Rippin, for their literature unit. The story, rich in themes of friendship, acceptance, and emotional well-being, follows an unlikely pair—a witch named Polly and a monster named Buster—who form a deep bond despite their differences. Throughout the story, they navigate  feelings of belonging and self-worth.


As part of our unit, the students had fun creating badges representing either the letter 'M' or 'W' to show their support for the witches or monsters in the story. This activity sparked lively discussions about choosing sides and understanding perspectives. In addition, the class also crafted their very own Emotion Monsters, allowing them to explore the emotions of Buster and how he changes in shape and colour depending on how he is feeling.

The students also enjoyed making predictions and connecting their own life experiences with the main characters in the story. By connecting the themes in Polly and Buster to real-life emotions and social interactions, we’ve encouraged students to think deeply about empathy and well-being. 


Overall, it has been a very enjoyable unit and the students have enjoyed exploring the world of Polly of Buster.