Sport Competition

Here are the interschool sport stats 

As term 3 nears the end, so does MGSC's involvement in the extensive all-year interschool sport competition program. Starting in term 1 various year levels (Year 7, Year 8, Intermediate and Senior) have formed teams to competed against other schools from division to state level. Here are a few facts and figures to review the 2024 year. 


447 students from Year 7 to Year 12 competed in 195 matches across a total of 32 'Round Robins' from Term 1 to Term 3.  MGSC competed in 10 sports played divided into 'summer' and 'winter' competitions.


Another 85 Students competed in Athletics, Swimming and Cross Country Carnivals. 


They were supported by 53 students coaches, 19 staff coaches that use 48 hired coaches and three mini buses to get to the venues.


MGSC progressed to Southern Metropolitan Region (SMR) finals in:

  • Year 7 Volleyball
  • Year 7 Tennis
  • Senior Soccer
  • Year 8 Soccer
  • Senior AFL
  • Junior AFL
  • Inter Netball
  • Year 8 Netball
  • Year 7 Netball
  • Year 8 Basketball
  • Year 7 Basketball
  • Year 7 Cricket
  • Year 7 Badminton

Our students participated in the Cross Country at State level and Nationals too. See below. 


Plus two Intermediate level teams participate in a Netball Victoria run competition at the State Netball Centre playing against girl teams from government, independent and catholic schools from around the state. 


There willl be further competiton in term 4. The Year 7 & 8 Basketball and Cricket teams are competing in SMR Finals and 17 students are competing in the SMR Athletics at Casey Fields which is the step before State finals. 

Snow Sports

So, did we mention snow?

On Sunday 18 August, seven MGSC students travelled to Mt Buller to participate in the Victorian Interschools Snowsport Championships.


After collecting their tickets, racing bibs and Snowsport merch, the crew headed to the Village Square to watch a spectacular fireworks display along with students from 245 Victorian schools. Across the week, there were 6550 race entries across 9 snowsport disciplines. MGSC students raced in three disciplines, including Ski Cross, Alpine Giant Slalom and Snowboard Cross.


The inclement weather may have dampened the girls’ snow gear, but certainly didn’t dampen their enthusiasm! The girls showed incredible determination, resilience and school spirit as they all raced their personal best times.


Despite the competitive nature of the event, the week was memorable not only for the personal snowsport achievements, but for the friendships that were forged between the girls, competitors, parents and families.


A big thank you to the team’s parents for their incredible support, including transportation to and from the mountain, preparing meals, cooking, cleaning, organising tickets, getting girls to their races on time, setting up flags, photography, videography and providing motivation and cheer!


Interschools is definitely a major school calendar highlight - the students can’t wait to return next year and compete in more disciplines. MGSC 2024 Interschools competitors:


Lia Kasparsons - Alpine GS

Stella Offen - Snowboard Cross

Ruby Overton - Snowboard Cross

Gia Evenden - Ski Cross, Alpine GS

Krista Kasparsons - Ski Cross, Alpine GS

Miki Nederhoed - Ski Cross, Alpine GS

Kitty Roberts - Ski Cross, Alpine GS


2025 dates for Victorian Interschools are 18-24 August.  Snowsport enthusiasts wishing to represent MGSC next year should express their interest with the school.


Paul Kasparsons (Parent) 

2024 MGSC Interschools Organiser & Team Manager


Thank you to Paul Kasparsons for making this happen and the report. Well done everyone! 

Student sport reports 


On Monday 26 August, students from MGSC participated in the Bayside Athletics events. Although the weather varied, our students persevered and gave it their all. Our school was extremely successful with many students placing first, second and third place in a variety of events.  


Our school won the Junior Girls division, came third in the intermediate Girls division, but overall placed second in the Girl’s Competition. This is an amazing achievement and everybody who competed should be proud of their efforts. 


A huge congratulations to Cassie Servadei (Year 8), who broke two records for Beachside Division in the 800m and 1500m events. This is a massive achievement and Cassie absolutely smashed it! She is an excellent representative of our school.


Everyone who competed should be so proud of themselves, everybodys efforts were very impressive! Congratulations to everyone who placed, participated and beat personal bests, and goodluck to everybody competing at SMR finals. GO MGSC!


Brooke Sweatman (Year 9)


Cross Country 

At the end of term 2, 25 MGSC cross country runners dashed out to the Southern Metro Regional Cross Country at Karkarook Park. All students should be commended on not only their performance on the day, but also in the way they conducted themselves. The cheer squad was amazing to support all our runners and a fun time was had by all. We had four students make it through to the State Championships which were in Yarra Glen, well done to Brooke, Chilli, Bahya and Cassie.


The State Championships were held in Yarra Glen on the 18 July, congratulations to our four students who attended and to Cassie who won the 14 age group race.


The National Cross Country Championships were held in Launceston on the 31 August and 1 September. Congratulations to Cassie who came 7th.