PFA news

Legally Blonde. One word - Wow!
I was so impressed at the quality of the performance of the Legally Blonde cast and crew. What an amazing production. Congratulations to you all on a job well done.
I would also like to thank the volunteers that put their hands up to assist each performance at Front of House. The Year 9 International Food students along with the PFA and coordinated by Fiona Faulkes, provided cakes, tea, coffee and Lollies (thank you to Joe at Bayside Sweets in Mentone for his contribution and for putting the lollies together). It was a team effort that resulted in $2500 raised which will go back into the performing arts department.
Uniform Shop
Don’t forget to go through your wardrobes over the holidays. It’s almost time to be in your summer uniform. The uniform shop is there if you need to sell or donate any of the old uniform and to buy any replacements needed. Sharon Wright PFA President
Sharon Wright
PFA President