Health & Wellbeing 

Whooping cough

Whooping cough cases are continuing to increase across Victoria, particularly among school-aged children.


Whooping cough is a very contagious infection, mostly spread through coughing orsneezing. Symptoms include:• blocked or runny nose• tiredness• mild fever• severe bouts of coughing, often followed by a ‘whooping’ sound on breathing.

Whooping cough can lead to life threatening infections in babies.

If your child is unwell, they should not attend school. Please see a doctor if you or your childdevelops whooping cough symptoms. Early diagnosis and treatment will help reduce the spreadof the infection.


Students diagnosed with whooping cough must not attend school

To reduce the spread of infection and to protect others within the school community, students diagnosed with whooping cough are recommended not to attend school for 21 days after their cough was first present, or until they have taken a full course of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor (usually a 5-day course).

If your child is diagnosed with whooping cough, please contact the school to let us know.I hope we can work together to protect the whole school community by following therecommended advice.


More information

For more information about whooping cough, refer to Whooping cough on the Better HealthChannel.Vaccination is the best way to reduce the risk of whooping cough. The Department of Healthrecommends staying up to date with immunisations, including booster doses. A free boosterdose of the pertussis vaccine is covered under the national immunisation program for studentsaged 12 to 13. If you are unsure about your child’s vaccination status for whooping cough,please discuss with an immunisation provider, such as your doctor.


I really appreciate your support in keeping our students safe and well.


Nikki Della Grazia 

School Nurse