English News
Holiday Reading Challenge
Your child will bring home a holiday reading challenge this week. Parents are to sign off when their child reads. Children are to return the reading challenge to school after the holidays and hand it in to their classroom teacher to go into the raffle for a Harry Hartogs Book Voucher. There will be an infants and primary prize.
Public Speaking
We are thrilled to announce the success of our whole school public speaking competition! All students who participated gained valuable experience and confidence in their public speaking abilities.
We are especially proud of our Stage 2 and Stage 3 finalists, who will go on to represent our school in a competition against other Sutherland Shire schools during the first week of Term 4.
To celebrate the achievements of all participants, we will be holding a presentation for our winners at the first assembly back in Term 4.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and we wish our finalists the very best in the upcoming competition!
Kim Hill
Years 3-6 English Coordinator
K-2 News
Phonics Update
Week 10: qu and ng: quit quick quiz quilt ring sing wing bang long song thing
Year 1
Week 10: Consolidate and Review oy/or
Year 2
Week 10: /j/g ge dge: junk jumper gel gym gentle giant page wage cage bridge hedge fudge nudge
Read To Your Children
A child’s opportunities in life are greatly influenced by whether or not they were read to by their parents. Numerous studies have found that without being read to in the early years, children are at a higher risk of not developing critical literacy skills. Studies have also shown that children that have been read to have better language development, mathematical reasoning skills and statistically have better job opportunities and higher wages (Australian Bureau of Statistics). It is never too late to start. Take the opportunity these holidays to snuggle on the lounge and read with your child.
Kate Gill
K-2 English Coordinator