Numeracy News
Dear Parents,
At this point in the year your child has been explicitly taught number counting skills and continue to work towards developing fluency and automaticity. The following counting grid outlines the counting expectations for each grade.
The school holidays is a perfect time to engage in some quick counting activities to support your child's learning. Whether it is counting toys when packing up, organising items into groups for each family member and skip counting the total amount, skip counting larger collection of items efficiently, counting money or solving real life problems involving grouping (multiplication) or sharing (division problems) opportunities constantly arise for children to apply their numeracy skills in every day life.
As children need to see and touch maths concepts in front of them before they understand it well enough to be able to compute mentally providing frequent opportunities with concrete materials is important when practising number skills.
If your child does have any opportunity to engage in any counting over the holidays and you happen to snap a photo of them please send them to as we would love to celebrate holiday learning on our social media!
Thank you for supporting your child's learning.
Wishing all of the students and their families a wonderful break!
Kind regards,
Ellen Dorrough
Instructional Specialist