Primary News

Mrs Miriam Bryan, Acting Head of Primary 

Gallery Walks

Thank you to all parents and caregivers who were able to attend the recent Primary Gallery Walks. The Gallery Walks were a wonderful opportunity for the students to showcase their learning with their families offering time for feedback and reflection.  

Primary Interhouse Athletics Carnival 

The sun shone brightly on a beautiful Winter’s Day, for our Years 2 to 6 students to participate in their Primary Interhouse Athletics Carnival, held at Bowden Park.  


Congratulations to our young athletes who gave their all in every track and field events. The day was filled with excitement and cheers and students are to be commended on their display of House Spirit and support for one another. Special thanks to Ms Amy Lewin for her organisation of the event, and the teachers and staff for their support on the day.  


The winning House will be announced at the start of next Term!


Refer to our Week 9 Photo Gallery for more images! 

Year 6 Federation Wax Museum 

As part of the Year 6 HASS Unit on the events that led to Australia's Federation, students inquired into an influential historical figure. They shaped research questions, read widely, made timelines and wrote biographies and monologues in role. Students then developed their own 'exhibit' in the style of Madame Tussauds for their peers, teachers and parents to enjoy.  


Refer to our Week 9 Photo Gallery for more images! 

Pre-Prep Parent/Teacher Interviews and Prep to Year 6 Student/Teacher/Parent Conferences

Week 1Pre-PrepPre-Prep Classroom

Tuesday 9 July | 3:30pm to 7:00pm

Wednesday 10 July | 3:30pm to 5:30pm 

Thursday 11 July | 3:30pm to 7:00pm


 Prep to Year 6 Core Classrooms

Tuesday 9 July | 3:30pm to 7:00pm

Thursday 11 July | 3:30pm to 7:00pm


Week 2Year 1WCore Classroom 

Tuesday 16 July to Thursday 18 July


Refer to communication sent on 27 May. 


Week 6Prep KCore Classroom 

Tuesday 13 August and Thursday 15 August 


Refer to communication sent on 27 May.


Reminder: Parent Lounge Bookings close 9:00pm Sunday 7 July. 

Semester 1 Academic Assembly and Leaders Assembly

Week 1 - Thursday 11 July 


At this Assembly, the following will be celebrated:  

  • Students who have achieved Academic Merit and Academic Excellence in their studies for Semester 1
  • Semester 2/Term 3 Leaders announced. 

Semester 1 Reports

At the beginning of the holidays, you will receive your child’s Semester 1 Report. The report is one of the avenues that the College uses to inform parents of each student’s achievement and progress both academically and socially. It is intended to provide caregivers and students with the information necessary to support and enhance learning, to focus positively on progress and to suggest goals toward which each student should focus. When you receive the report, it is important to read through the key at the front of the report, which outlines the different categories for Approach to Learning, Achievement Level and Skills/Concepts. Please take the time to share the report with your child and identify areas of strength, celebrating achievements and growth. Focus goals for Semester 2 are equally important and we encourage you to talk through these together, so we have a collaborative approach to learning goals for the year ahead. 


We would particularly like to draw your attention to the Approach to Learning criteria within the report. This result reflects your child’s attitude, behaviour and effort in the classroom. There are three levels of attainment – Above Expectation, Meets Expectation, and Below Expectation. As a staff, we have discussed what it means for a student to meet our expectations in each year level, and what it might look like for a student who regularly goes above and beyond our expectations in each of these areas. We would expect that most students in each class will be meeting the expected levels of attitude, behaviour and effort. Those of you with children in the older primary grades may be used to seeing ‘above expectation’ in every subject area, and this may not be the case in the upcoming report. We encourage you to be proud of your child if they are meeting our expectations in each subject area, as we do set high standards for attitude, behaviour and effort in our classrooms at Clayfield College. We also encourage you to reach out to the teacher if there is an area in which your child is falling below expectation, and to celebrate any subject area in which your child is going above expectations in their approach to learning.

Reminder – CC App Notifications and Subscriptions for Term 3

A helpful reminder, to manage your notifications and subscriptions to reflect your child/ren’s sports etc for Term 3.  You can manage your notifications and subscriptions to ensure you are only seeing what is relevant to your family.  Please refer to the link below for information and access.

Grandparents' Day

Upcoming Events

9 to 18 JulyParent/Teacher/Student Conferences 
9 to 12 JulyNAIDOC Week
16 JulyP&F Association Meeting
18 July Care@Clayfield Parent Event with Dr Judith Locke
19 July

Pyjama Day (Ashburn House Fundraiser)

Britton Shield Football

9 AugustGrandparents' Day