Captains' Corner

Roxy Bohn and Caitlin Pett, College Captains

 2024, Your Year to be More!  


With the end of the term upon us, it’s a perfect time to look back at the memories we have made, the challenges we have overcome and the growth we’ve experienced as a community. 


Our theme, '2024, Your Year to be More', has guided our actions this term, choosing to focus on cultivating our community spirit and encouraging personal development. House events have been instrumental in achieving this, with Interhouse Cross Country, and Arts Day promoting friendly competition while inspiring people to try new things and push themselves out of their comfort zones. A huge thank you goes to our House Captains for organising their Houses in preparation for these events. The competition for the coveted House Shield is ramping up, and we hope you are excited to see how it plays out in Term 3, with Interhouse Athletics occurring in Week 2. 


QGSSSA Cross Country was also a huge success this term, helping improving community spirit and school pride. While we didn’t walk away with first place, our energy on the day was unmatched, with war cries, spirit tunnels, and cheering being heard across the oval. The number of spectators lining the grass was so impressive, and we thank each of you who attended. A thank you also goes to our Sports Captains for their energy and organisation on the day.


Focussing on individual development, we hung up our Paper Chain Project outside the Lower LRC this term, which contains hundreds of paper slips connected together. On these slips, we asked students to commit to be something more and create a year-long goal. We hope that the visual installation reminds them of their commitment and encourages them to achieve it.


We have also reignited our spirit Instagram, @clayfieldcrocs, using the platform to post reminders for upcoming events, and funny videos recapping them. We have loved to see how it has brought the seniors together and encouraged them to create content appealing to the student body.


Finally, on Tuesday, we attended a prefect summit with BBC, organised by the students. It was a fun afternoon where we heard about their initiatives and presented our own, played sport and participated in other social activities. We took away so much from their leadership and are planning on bringing back some of their ideas to Clayfield.


Next term, we can’t wait to further see how our community comes together at events such as Jazz on the Green, Opus 3 and QGSSSA Athletics, but for now, we hope you all have an enjoyable and restful break, and we will see you soon!