Acting Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,
As Term 2 draws to a close, I would like to express my gratitude for your continued support of the College, our staff, and our events and programs. It is your support and involvement which makes our school a special community; one that is genuine in its care for each other and has a shared commitment to fostering an environment where every student is encouraged to achieve their personal best.
This term was filled with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows marked with the sudden passing of our teacher, friend and colleague, David Peckham whose loss we feel every day. However, we have also seen tremendous growth and learning, and the making of memories that will stay with us for many years to come. Some of the highlights have included our Opus events, Cross Country carnivals, the Primary School Disco, Year 11 Soiree, Ladies Lunch, Arts Day, 2025 Year 7 Experience Day and so many more. One of the most memorable was the opening of our greatly anticipated, Treetops and Leopard Terrace Playground which has already brought so much happiness to so many of our students. Most recently, I reflect on the success of last week’s annual Foundation Giving Day and the generosity of our community with $254,733 raised through the support of 424 donors! Thank you for your gifts and support which has enabled our Clayfield College community to shine brightly.
With the completion of our wonderful new Primary Playground, refurbishment of our Visual Arts Rooms and beautiful new spaces in our Boarding House this term, our campus continues to be revitalised with purpose-built modern facilities which support our student-centred learning experience. We also look forward to the commencement of the Design Technology Workshop and classrooms build in the coming weeks, in addition to our planned maintenance program over the school holidays.
This term our 2024 Boarder Marketing Tour schedule commenced with a visit to Goondiwindi and St George. Thank you to our regional families and Old Collegians for your warm hospitality and meeting with us. This was followed by a trip to Japan where Dr Cousins and Mrs Searle met with prospective and current families, as well as Old Collegians. Mrs Searle and Ms Dixon, Director of Marketing, Communications and Engagement will be visiting Emerald, Longreach and Winton next week. We will be hosting a family event at each of these locations and look forward to meeting with our regional and remote families.
We farewell Ms Shannon Edwards, College Counsellor, who stepped into the role while Ms Kelsey Lahey was on maternity leave. We wish Shannon all the best in her future endeavours and thank her for her contribution to the Clayfield community. Ms Sofie Spencer will be commencing long service leave in Term 3. We wish Sofie all the best for her upcoming nuptials and look forward to her return in Term 4. As previously communicated to Prep families, Mrs Panaretos will be taking some leave, and we are delighted to have Mrs McNiff join the Prep Team for the first part of Term 3. Commencing next week Mrs Alice David, our Receptionist and Community Liaison Officer will be moving into a new role, as Business Support Administrator. Alice has been a friendly face on Reception for a number of years and is now looking forward to a new challenge within the College. We have commenced recruitment for a College Receptionist and look forward to sharing details of this new appointment in due course.
Towards the end of the first week of the holidays, you will receive your child’s school report. I urge you to take the time as a family to read and review this document, celebrating their achievements and focussing on the effort they've put forth. While grades provide a snapshot of academic performance, they don’t always capture the entirety of your child's growth and development. Celebrating and encouraging their resilience, determination, and the upholding of school values are the qualities that are essential to lifelong success and are equally as important as the letter grade on an assessment. The staff have worked alongside students to set goals for the semester ahead and these should serve as guiding lights for their academic and personal growth. By discussing these goals at home and exploring ways to reach them together, further growth and learning can be achieved. I extend my thanks to the staff who have given so much of their time in helping their students reach their potential.
You would have received an email sharing details of Parent Teacher Interviews, which will take place at the beginning of Term 3. This is another opportunity where the partnership between school and home can be reinforced, with a shared understanding of intentions.
Thank you once again for your ongoing commitment and support. I wish you all a restful and enjoyable break and look forward to welcoming you back to school next term.
Kind regards,
Mrs Audrey Fellowes
Acting Principal